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If that's you in the picture you attached, then I'd say you are very attractive. Not the sexiest, but still very attractive. The picture was great though, the whole no-panties-while-wearing-a-dress-that's-slightly-too-short is very hot.


Lord Dipstick
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Vlad The Impaler

Power Slave
Compared to most of the other girls around here? Not very well. As some chick ya might hook up with in a bar, I'll go with a 6.
5. 7 if you'll go ass to mouth.
whoever the girl in the pic is im gonna say a 6, because of thee pussy shot.

but i wouldnt doubt if her bf set this up or some crazy ass.
well your presentation is definitely no Jett when he was on here posting his amateur girl photos. No less keep posting naked girls whether they are you or not and you should get along quite well here... maybe.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
This schmuck better knock it off with the jibber jabber or I am going to tattoo my initials into his brain!