Re: Rare Anal Scenes
Of the fairly recent girls (that I'm probably not up on anyway), the only ones that come to mind are Alyssa West and Melissa-Ashley. I know of only one anal scene that either has done (with a guy). So I guess that's pretty rare. Someone claimed to have a vid of Sara Jay doing an anal scene, but I've only seen vid caps and I'm not convinced.
The one I really wanted to see do anal more than anything was Sophia Castello. But I think she's now left the industry.

I also wanted to see Ice La Fox do anal. But with those new goofy silly-cone boobs she's got now, can't say I really care anymore.
It's just pretty common these days. Seems like more girls will do anal now than not do anal. In the 80's, it was pretty uncommon, especially if the girl was hot. And with Asian girls, it was like finding buried treasure. Now :dunno: I've got one video called Asian Orgyental or something like that. And every Asian girl in the orgy is taking it in the ass at some point during the shoot.