Rapture / Apocalypse / Judgement day

Jon S.

I just read that President Obama, on word from the big man himself....GOD, is authorizing a $10,000 tax credit on your next years tax return for the inconvenience caused by the Rapture false alarm. All you need to do it write "Rapture Rebate" on your tax return & add $10,000 to the total amount to be refunded at the bottom of the form. Easy Peasy!!!!
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Jon S.

This just in!

God just spoke to me and he said it was only a Rapture drill. He said the real deal will be coming at 7:19 AM EDT July 17th 2039! He also said that anyone who wants to be Raptured at that time should immediately send me $20 via Paypal & continue to do so every week until that date.

That is all!
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For the EMPEROR!!
Did I miss it? .. Or do they have to go back to the drawing board and re-calculate. :rolleyes:

Jon S.

Wellll....this nut job is 89 & it took him 27 years to recalculate from his 1984 blunder....soooooo, me thinks we've heard the last of these whack jobs! Of course there is no shortage to take their place!
'I don't understand why nothing's happened': Baffled believers face jeers as 'Rapture' passes... and the only person who's disappeared is the man who predicted it

# World's major cities report business as usual as the 'day of Rapture' passes with a whimper

# Harold Camping, 89, wrongly predicted 'the rapture' date once before in 1994

# Has yet to make an appearance or release a statement about yet another wrong prediction

# Mock disappointment online... as well as 'evidence' of deliverance to Heaven

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...ffled-believers-face-jeers.html#ixzz1N6RNtbEV


Disillusioned: Robert Fitzpatrick, who spent his $140,000 life savings on ads to spread the word of the Rapture, believed that it would happen at 6pm on May 21, but unfortunately for him it didn't


Gone: People all over the world marked the end of the no-pocalypse with a series of pictures of signs and piles of clothes, poking fun at radio minister Harold Camping who has advertised the rapture with billboards and a media campaign


Though the earthquake that was supposed to signal the end of the world failed to appear, the planet wasn't without its normal and sometimes devastating disturbances on Saturday. Among them:

* A tornado killed one person and damaged at least 20 homes in Kansas,

* A 6.1-magnitude quake stuck 600 miles off New Zealand with no reports of injury,

* A much smaller quake, 3.6, was felt my many people Saturday evening in the San Francisco Bay area,

* Iceland's most active volcano started erupting.



FreeOnes Lifetime Member
Tman -- you are funny! ;)

About that New York guy wiping out his retirement funds, over $140K, on "end-of the world" flyers and pamphlets...

I guess we'll see him homeless by the Holland Tunnel, with a squeegee. "Hey I'll wash your windshield for a buck," he'll say.

To quote Bugs Bunny, "What a moroooon!!"


Jon S.

I sure this fuck nut got exactly what he REALLY wanted......a bunch of dumb & mindless saps to send him a boat load of money! Soooooo, I'm sure he isn't feeling all THAT bad right now.

Sad thing is that I think many of these people are probably suffering from various forms of mental illness & this sleaze ball is simply preying on them in their weakened state. Like I said, that is the really sad part.


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
I'm still waiting. Was it happening yesterday? It was supposed to be yesterday, right? Isn't that what the crackpot, nutjob said? All his little followers said yesterday, right? Tick-tock-tick-tock, come on already.....
You know the thing that REALLY pisses me off about most fundies? The fact that they act like Earth is just a layover in Dallas and have no concern for human life. It's really disgusting if you think about it. If suicide wasn't a sin, I'm sure fundies would be blowing their heads off left and right.

People like Harold Camping will never get into heaven. He's a narcissistic old fart that sounds like retarded Tom Waits.
'A little bewildered': Wife of the preacher who predicted the end of the world says he is 'mystified' as to why we're all still here

# Harold Camping, 89, wrongly predicted 'the rapture' date once before in 1994

# Has yet to make an appearance or release a statement about yet another wrong prediction

# Mock disappointment online... as well as 'evidence' of deliverance to Heaven

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...ffled-believers-face-jeers.html#ixzz1NAwMWdTu


Light relief: A man stands outside an atheist rapture party on Saturday in Tacoma, Washington


Together for all eternity: A couple - clearly pure of heart - leave their worldly possessions behind for the hereafter, in a cute photobomb posted on the net by Rob Sheridan


Dad was there a minute ago: Another spoof viral shows a confused labrador who's owner has apparently vanished


Gone: This man appears to have vanished while mowing his lawn


Hero: Professional wrestler 'Macho Man' Randy Savage, who died on Friday, is spoofed to have elbowed Jesus in order to prevent the Rapture