Random Statement Thread II

I think I once saw it ages ago, but I remember only vague scenes. I should watch it again.

I have 2001: A Space Odyssey on the shelf to watch first.
It's been so long since I've seen this but once I watched the video I remember this part.

I was always fascinated by the film but at the same time kind of discombobulated because I had no idea what was going on.

I know what you mean. Sometimes I see the movies from my childhood with differend eyes now, too
Well back then all it was was visuals and music basically. As we get older we analyze and dissect it down to the bone and ultimately consider it to be underwhelming.

Sometimes we just need to go back to the pleasures of simplicity and realize there are good times all around us :hatsoff:
Oh yes. I find myself enjoying older films than new ones nowadays.

I only see maybe 2 films a year that come out that I actually want to watch. Back then, I look at all the films that came out and get more enjoyment out of them than I do now.

Hollywood is slowly becoming a remake/spoof caterer.
Hmm. I know Tobey Maguire and Kristen Dunst were tired of Spider-Man stuff. You could tell by their lack of enthusiasm during promo interviews on talk shows and news shows.

Studios should learn when to let things go before it turns into a cheap whore. I'm looking at you Saw!

Well, on that note, I'm off! Have business to attend to. Have a great night everybody! Talk to you later on in the day :wave:
Not to worry ~~whimsical~~ one. Yet.

Still getting the hang of this.

And as the saying goes "With great power..."

Craving a Big Mac.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I just watched James Cameron's Avatar; now that is one sweet movie!