Random Statement Thread II

Anybody remember playing Street Smart in the arcade back in the day?

That game was awesome, even if it was a Street Fighter clone.


Center of the fothermucking universe
Do you think it's harder to walk on broken glass or to walk on sunshine?
If you're walking on Orange Sunshine you won't know or care that you are walking on broken glass!



Take a Hit, Spunker!
If you're walking on Orange Sunshine you won't know or care that you are walking on broken glass!


Well, what if you had cuts on your feet and the citric acid was burning your feet? That broken glass cutting up your feet wouldn't feel like cotton that's for sure!


Center of the fothermucking universe
Second cold in as many months.

Two Alka Seltzer Plus Cold Effervescent(the ones that fizz and dissolve in water) tablets
One packet of Kool-Aid, headache powder ie aspirin in powder form usually wrapped up in an aluminum packet or wax paper. BC's, Goody's Stanback etc.

Combine it all in a big glass of water and mix then chug it down!

Works every time!

You could try the old standard remedy of chicken soup. Apparently there are scientific studies out there that say it helps beyond just the placebo effect it has on people.
No, he means wooden boxes. Storage companies give you a free one to try out, and if you like it you can by a bunch more. :D

D-rock, do you just do your own sigs, or ones for other people as well?

And a question: I delete temporary files and cookies after every web session, so how come Google remembers which sites I've been too? Is it hacking me? I'm getting scared.......:wave2:
D-rock, do you just do your own sigs, or ones for other people as well?

I have just did my own sigs. For a long time a lot of people did sigs better than me so I just left it up to them to do it for other people because they would probably do a better job. Plus it usually takes me a while to put one together. I'm not that great at Photoshop yet where I can do things very quickly so it's not like a ten minute project for me. Sometimes it takes hours as I try to get things just right. Taking that long on my own signatures is bad enough sometimes. Maybe the biggest reason is that doing my own allows me to put out a bad sig every once in a while and not have to worry about it as long as I tried my best on it. If I did them for other people I would feel pressure to have to make it good and would feel a little bad if I didn't. With that said depending on if somebody asked me, who asked me, what they generally wanted to have in it, if they know generally how they wanted it to look, and if they already had the pictures they wanted waiting to put in it, (sometimes searching for the pictures is the worst part of making them.) then I might make an exception and do one for somebody else every once in a while.