Random Statement Thread II

[B][URL="https://www.freeones.com/friday said:
Friday[/URL][/B] on my mind, post: 2439970, member: 44516"]Anybody notice another long time member Dave Rhino is now shown as "Closed account"? Wonder whats up with these closures.I can see leaving, taking time off whatever,but why close your account?

must be something in the air
At last count there about 39 Sith Lords named Darth. Rather difficult to fit them all within a 575x100 pixel space!


That's true, but while often the case the Darth title doesn't mean that person is Dark Lord of the Sith. The terms are not totally mutually inclusive.
I just stop by to say hi and bye, don't know when I'll be back!
Good guess, but it was actually the sparrow with his bow and arrow.

An old nursery rhyme from my childhood that I can't seem to get out of my head.

Are you sure this time fresno? :)


Closed Account
Good morning everyone. :wave:

I hope the day is a good one. :hatsoff:
and lets not forget
ask miniD why dvc left.....................