Hoped the kid liked her monkey ... fake b... if you believe in something stand behind it and take pride and dignity in whatever you do, even if it is wrong. I hope he wins the 10,000 $ at AFV.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Chickens can be racist? :dunno:
Its sickening in this day and age, that small minded racist mentality still exists and is so blatant, especially from a generation we are supposed to respect, our elders.

If there were serious rational reason to discredit Obama, then I would respect those views and appreciate the argument. But when all people have to use against him is the fact that he is black is disgusting. America has an ugly history when it comes to how it treats its minorities, you would think that people nowadays would do their part in letting that go, but no, they keep it going.

In the end, as the video demonstrates, racists are cowards.
not all republicans are racist but all racists are republican
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not all republicans are racist but all racists are republican

I was talking with a one of my neighbors a few weeks ago. He's 87 years old, a WWII vet, an Olympic sprinter, and says he's voted Democrat in every election in his life. I asked him what he thought of Obama: "I'm voting for McCain. There's no way I'm voting for a black man. If you let one in, they'll all expect something."

Not all racists are Republican.
The look on his face and his actions when he got busted was priceless... :rofl:


what the fuck you lookin at?
I'm not racist...I'm observant.
That was just kinds sad = STUPID. I wish guys like him would walk down the streets of Harlem with that doll and sticker. If you don't agree with him fine, but the Arab shit, monkeys, traitor remarks! I thought America had grow up. I'm embarrassed!


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Its sickening in this day and age, that small minded racist mentality still exists and is so blatant, especially from a generation we are supposed to respect, our elders.

If there were serious rational reason to discredit Obama, then I would respect those views and appreciate the argument. But when all people have to use against him is the fact that he is black is disgusting. America has an ugly history when it comes to how it treats its minorities, you would think that people nowadays would do their part in letting that go, but no, they keep it going.

In the end, as the video demonstrates, racists are cowards.

Elders certainly arent earning their respect these days. I dont have to watch a video to tell ya that much.
Yeah, Jim Bob, saw some racist chickens bashing Obama out at the McCain rally today.

Yeah, who's were they?

I dunno, but about half the county is scrambling to sell their farms just to get them!

I title that satire......"I Love my Sheep"
The look on his face is priceless.


Don Trump calls me Pornography Man
Chickens can be racist? :dunno:

Yeah, Jim Bob, saw some racist chickens bashing Obama out at the McCain rally today.

Yeah, who's were they?

I dunno, but about half the county is scrambling to sell their farms just to get them!

Any self-respecting chicken should take a dim sum view of racism, as invariably it will lead to the de-feet of their purpose.
Any self-respecting chicken should take a dim sum view of racism, as invariably it will lead to the de-feet of their purpose.

Ah, you are correct, good Doctor!

And let me just tell you, the day I found out that "dim sum" was not something to do with a calculator low on batteries, I found myself in a whole new world!