This pig thinks he's making an argument by reciting tropes.
1.Muslim isn't a race, gee I didn't know that. Guess what I didn't say that either. We don't have a problem with Zoroastrians, Bahai, Christians, Yazedis, atheists etc. But we sure have them with Muslims.
Why? Because Islam is a slavemaster religion cooked up by the p.o.s. Prophet Muhammad so that he could unite the Arab tribes in his area and be a more effective warlord and child molester. Your Muslim buddies cry about the "humiliation" of Islam--that's the humiliation of no longer being on top. Of not having the Dhimmi under foot. You folks belly ache just like rich plantation whites did in the post-civil war era. You wanted it back in the "glory days" when Dhimmi knew their damn place.
Then you cry about all that's done to you, forgetting all the attacks that Americans and Western people have endured the last 4 decades or so. That's just like you crying about the Crusades but you don't acknowledge the 4 centuries of attacks that Muslims were committing on non-Muslim peoples before the 1st damn Crusader left Europe.
2. As for whether or not your practice your religion, who gives a damn. There are plenty of Muslims in Europe, Australia, Canada (and to a lesser extent the U.S.) who don't follow their religion and cause untold and unpunished misery. These are the same scumbags like in Britain who groom 13 yr. old White and Black girls for sex by getting them hooked on drugs and letting them get gangraped. The same ones who deal drugs, run in gangs and provide material support to Jihadis. These are the same people who repay the kindness of folks in Sweden and Norway by committing random attacks and rapes on the indigenous population.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=id9nutw-HYI all of this was motivated by hatred of non-Muslims.
And here's one of the more recent cases in the UK. The difference between these guys is that they aren't just small numbers, or even the same age. These are guys from across ages and social status, they aren't afraid of doing this together because they do it back in Pakistan to non-Muslims. To come to a new country and do it is especially transgressive and reflects their opinion of the non-Muslims.
Again in the UK and who are the targets? What are parents saying?
A girl disappeared (the Muslims indicted joked they'd thrown her body into a meat grinder) and this was the final straw that sparked a documentary...ultimately pulled off the air by the BBC
Just before you cry about American soldiers or whomever and their attacks on Muslims. I'm just giving you a taste of your vermin with one particular kind of crime out of so many. Do you realize what percentage of violent crimes are committed by Muslims in some countries? Even countries where Muslims are REFUGEES only there by the grace of the very people they victimize.
Many a Muslim in the West view the identity of "Muslim" like a nationality in surveys and live a secular existence. In parts of Europe you have "Muslim" gangs that are of all nationalities but view each other as the same.
3. As for your comments they speak for themselves. You claim you're not a racist, who gives a damn. You're a scumbag and don't belong in the West. GTFO if you don't like White people or any other people, no one asked you to come here and more and more Western people don't want you to stay.
The best part is where you almost try to say you're not a hypocrite because 'your parents decided to move here.' You are the worst p.o.s. and I have to wonder if your parents are too if they raised a guy like you with so much contempt for Western people.
"The hypocrisy of Muslims like you and yours migrating in their thousands to the West, while simultaneously denigrating it in the worst possible language and action, is so profound as to be pathological. And there is no cure."
I'm done with you, don't reply to me any more. I get sick reading your posts.