:wtf: Welcome to college, diversity reigns supream, it's a time for people to experiment.
It doesn't matter when your people moved here. They moved to a society that had a long, ugly history of slavery that would be followed by a long, ugly era of legalized discrimination. It's unrealistic to think that heritage wouldn't strongly impact the dynamic of our society as a whole, and thus each individual, no matter when they became a part of it.
^ woow bodies, i think youre right.
that must be why so many blacks TODAY still hate white people, and why so many whites are afraid of them.
It plays a huge part in the fear, mistrust and animosity on both sides.
How could it not?
College is the worst place to look for diversity. Shit, I know it's a blanket statement, but pretty much every college student I've ever known has been nothing more than a slight variation of the same exact person. Sure, there are obviously college students who are true and unique individuals, but most of them are just sheep that herd towards the "in" crowd and morph themselves into the ever changing trends that we consider "popular". Dave Matthews Band...enough said. :rofl:
Cumbang is the worst.
What I got from it was
black girl mad that black man is banging white chick
black gril gets revenge
whats so bad about it?
What I meant was there will be actress or actors who will only work with one colour of skin. All the time with whites - never with a black or asian and vice versa.
What? No, no, no.
First of it all, it DOES matter when you moved "here".
The past is the past and none of us who are alive today (black, white, Asian, Mexican, etc) have any idea what it was like when slavery existed.
The same principle applies to when we're born. To one degree or another the past is always in play in the present - both to each of us as individuals, and all of us as a society.
Nicely said:thumbsup:
And if you would have read any of my post you would know that Jada Fire is actually my favorite pornstar, guess what she is black. I just never found black women to be all that attractive, there are expections like Jada, Tyra Banks, Lacy Duvall etc.... but on a WHOLE I don't find them that attractive. The same can be said about black women and white guys, they personally don't hate them, they just don't find them that attractive as a WHOLE.
nicely said, now go take a walk through any major city in the USA's black areas at night by yourself.
it is what it is.
That isn't true. Some people are naturally not attracted to some races...I know plenty of girls who don't find black men attractive. If porn stars like Stormy Daniels or Ashlynn Brooke were attracted to black men, they will work with them. If porn was really racist, why is it that girls don't have any problem working latino men ? Like Vicky Vette told a poster who wanted her to admit that she might be attracted to some black guys, "Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder". You can't debate that.
yes and its called prejudice - sorry dude but i dont support that kind of mentality.'' im just not attracted to this or that '' you can pretty it up as much as you want but it all boils down to the same thing.= pejudice and or racism.
it gets tiresome repeating the same thing but ill say it one more time. not all black people look the same and have the same features,not all black people are jet black like a chalk board,listen to the same kind of music,dress the same,talk the same,have the same livity,habbits etc...and that applies to every race not just black.
its a diverse world we live in now and the problem is people like to generalise and stereo type people to much usually because they are un-educated and ignorant.
bottom line - if you wouldnt sleep with someone or get involved with them because of the colour of there skin,then you are prejudice and or racist on some level. -)
Maybe I didn't state that very clearly.
All I am saying is that no matter when a person moved here they will have to deal with the societal environment that's been created before they arrived. It doesn't matter that they did nothing to create or contribute to it, it exists, and it will continue to evolve once they're here.
The same principle applies to when we're born. To one degree or another the past is always in play in the present - both to each of us as individuals, and all of us as a society.
Personally, no. But there's a tremendous wealth of sources available to anyone who wants to research it. Beyond that there are those for whom it's part of their family heritage.
Young black people today by the hundreds of thousands have fathers, grandfathers and great grandfathers who lived through the Jim Crow era. Who had to eat, drink, lodge etc in separate facilities. Who were disenfranchised, dehumanized, sometimes beaten and occasionally lynched. Go back one or more additional generations and their ancestors were likely slaves. So no, there are no direct victims of slavery among us, but that lineage of abuse echoes down through the years, and imo it's not something we can expect to simply disappear in one generation, or even two, especially as no one would argue the fact that racism still exists.
yes and its called prejudice - sorry dude but i dont support that kind of mentality.'' im just not attracted to this or that '' you can pretty it up as much as you want but it all boils down to the same thing.= pejudice and or racism.
it gets tiresome repeating the same thing but ill say it one more time. not all black people look the same and have the same features,not all black people are jet black like a chalk board,listen to the same kind of music,dress the same,talk the same,have the same livity,habbits etc...and that applies to every race not just black.
its a diverse world we live in now and the problem is people like to generalise and stereo type people to much usually because they are un-educated and ignorant.
bottom line - if you wouldnt sleep with someone or get involved with them because of the colour of there skin,then you are prejudice and or racist on some level. -)
its a diverse world we live in now and the problem is people like to generalise and stereo type people to much usually because they are un-educated and ignorant.
it gets tiresome repeating the same thing but ill say it one more time. not all black people look the same and have the same features,not all black people are jet black like a chalk board,listen to the same kind of music,dress the same,talk the same,have the same livity,habbits etc...and that applies to every race not just black.
yes and its called prejudice - sorry dude but i dont support that kind of mentality.'' im just not attracted to this or that '' you can pretty it up as much as you want but it all boils down to the same thing.= pejudice and or racism.
it gets tiresome repeating the same thing but ill say it one more time. not all black people look the same and have the same features,not all black people are jet black like a chalk board,listen to the same kind of music,dress the same,talk the same,have the same livity,habbits etc...and that applies to every race not just black.
its a diverse world we live in now and the problem is people like to generalise and stereo type people to much usually because they are un-educated and ignorant.
bottom line - if you wouldnt sleep with someone or get involved with them because of the colour of there skin,then you are prejudice and or racist on some level. -)
Straight PWNED Bitch:glugglug:I'm sorry, but...
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, you can't be serious. I think you need to stop pointing fingers and take a look at yourself for once. Don't know what I mean? Here, let me show you:
You say this...
...RIGHT AFTER you said this...
So, saying that black people's skin is "jet black like a CHALKBOARD" isn't generalizing? It isn't stereotypical?
Can I put this in the Share A Joke thread, because this shit is hilarious to me.
i disagree - like you said in your previous post,everyone has preferences and is attracted to whatever it is they like but in the case of homosexuality or overweight people as you mentioned,its a different story. i'm not particularly attracted to women who are overweight and dont really ever see myself dating one but then that preference isnt race or colour specific. i dont find them attractive period regardless of what colour they are. the same applies to homosexuals. i dont really like homosexuality or support it but its not a case that im willing to tolerate or accept a black or mixed raced gay person more so because im bi racial myself. my dislike applies across the board,theres no racial element to it whatsoever.
in that guys case and i quote,he said '' i dont fuk black women because i dont like them that much '' the difference being hes being very race and colour specific.
if he means something else maybe he should choose hes words more carefully and word hes sentences better.
as far as being attracted to people based on features goes - like i said not all black people have the same features or look the same.not all black people have broad noses and very thick lips etc,so by saying your not attracted to one race or the other you are generalising and putting that people into a box.= prejudice.