Why the FUCK would you get her a gift lmfao?

You think she's going to suck your dick or something?

Strong white knight.

You should see how many girls have those wish lists and are always begging people to get them something and some guys actually buy them stuff, and maybe get a nice tweet or a card in response.
Rachel -

I am loving that you are doing more of your scenes with your natural eye color, any reason why? Love me the brown eyed girls!
You should see how many girls have those wish lists and are always begging people to get them something and some guys actually buy them stuff, and maybe get a nice tweet or a card in response.

OMFG link me her list again so I can get a TWEET from RACHEL STARR!!! LMFAO
OMFG link me her list again so I can get a TWEET from RACHEL STARR!!! LMFAO

What's the big deal if someone wants to get a gift for Rachel? It's called being a fan. And how a person chooses to support someone they like is up to them.
Some people want to get pictures with their favorite stars, some people want to get autographs from their favorite stars, and some want to buy gifts. It just different degrees of support.

I swear boards are so weird. You get attacked if you are too critical of someone and you get attacked if you are too supportive of someone.