R&B Singer Cassie spreads??

maybe i should ride my nude before they get out who wants to see a 6 foot 5 hairy bear spread on a bed like that lol .

it does look alot like her this will do one or two things make her a star or end her singing days


It's good to be the king...
this will do one or two things make her a star or end her singing days

My hunch is that these pics will only help her if they are her. Just in this case alone how many people who were previously unaware of her are now aware of her, probably cross reffed her to her songs...took a listen, etc.

Not to mention she's fucking gorgeous in these pictures.

The only people who are hurt by nude pics are beauty contestants and maybe politicians...however Stormy Daniels could prove the politician part wrong. Maybe it's depending on who the politician is with in the pics.:1orglaugh
Someone sent me this link of Cassie the R&B singer who recently had her computer hacked and all the photo's were leaked online supposedly only topless but now were finding these do you think it's really her??


I thought it was just a lame publicity stunt but that's pretty graphic. Not the kind of stuff you'd want out there to boost your career if you're already a singer and not a "reality star."

I think she looks pretty good!!
If she is famous R'n'B singer she must have enough money to buy a camera with higher resolution. She also gotta hang out with rich guys who can afford themselves hi-quality cameras :1orglaugh

Nowadays even cheap cell phones produce photos with higher quality.

The one in the first post is too blurred and small. Why? Most likely, to make it harder to recognize the person on the photo. So what? BS :dunno:

Maybe it's really old. She might have been hard up for cash before her "big break." and contemplating doing a little spread.:2 cents: