Quote Alerts

Is there anyway a person can tell or be informed if something they have said in a forum has been quoted in response by another user?

Its easy to post in a thread and having said your piece, left it behind without a second thought. Then have a week pass and someone quote your post as part of theirs, you'll never know you've been replied to.
The only thing I can think of is to search your own name, that way any "originally posted by" notices will come up. I've never seen a feature to do it for you, but it would be a handy extra. :thumbsup: :wave2:


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
I'm not even sure there's a plug-in that already exists for this, and we're not going to create anything new for the board at the moment with the new version looming in the future.

Best I can suggest is subscribe to the thread.
Just go through your posts I made section and check out whichever one you want to see and see if somebody quoted it or anything.