Quiz: What Body Part Are You Attracted To?


You are attracted to: boobs. You're a boob guy/gurl!

Boobs 100%

Face 42%

Abs/Stomach 42%

Butt 33%

Penis 0

Nice find, thanks for sharing :hatsoff:


It's good to be the king...
You scored as Boobs.

You are attracted to: boobs. You're a boob guy/gurl!

Boobs 83%
Face 50%
Abs/Stomach 42%
Butt 17%
Penis 0%


Face: 80 %
tits: 95 %
w/abs: 80 %
butt: 80 %
legs: 100 %
Feet: 90 %

I love long lucious legs and beautifull feet in high hells. Drives me nuts (chris):glugglug:
You scored as Face.

You are attracted to: faces. You are a face person.

Face 67%
Abs/Stomach 58%
Boobs 42%
Butt 25%
Penis 0%

I do love pretty faces :D
Butt 92%
Boobs 92%
Face 80%
Abs/Stomach 50%
Penis 0%

Interesting it never gave me a comment on what I'm attracted too:confused:
Did I break it:1orglaugh
You scored as Face.
You are attracted to: faces. You are a face person.

Abs/Stomach 67%
Face 67%
Boobs 58%
Butt 50%
Penis 0%
Looks like I am a face person.
I'm surprised they didn't have anything for legs.

You scored as face
You are attracted to faces. You are a face person.

Face 67%
Boobs 58%
Abs/Stomach 58%
Butt 25%
Penis 0%
Weird - I'm completely a face man... The quiz says something else! :eek: :crash:

You scored as Abs/Stomach.

You are attracted to: the abs/stomach. You are a abs/stomach guy/gurl.







Closed Account
You scored as Abs/Stomach.

Butt 58%
Abs/Stomach 58%
Boobs 50%
Face 42%
Penis 0%

I like butts more but I spent allot of time touching my wifes tummy when pregnant, so I answered yes to all tummy's questions.

Breasts...breasts and BREASTS :boobies: :boobies:

Preferably large and silicone, but any breasts will do.
You scored as Butt.

You are attracted to: the ass! your an ass man/woman.

Butt 100%
Boobs 75%
Face 75%
Abs/Stomach 58%
Penis 0%

- Yup... I'd agree with that. I'm a sucker for a hot ass! :yesyes:

Miss Brittany

Official Checked Star Member
I love mens assholes and a nice yummy six pack.

I love the rib cage and I have a huge foot fetish.

Oh yeah and I love the cock as well.

Cant forget the most imp part!
You scored as Abs/Stomach.

You are attracted to: the abs/stomach. You are a abs/stomach guy/gurl.

Abs/Stomach 83%
Butt 58%
Boobs 58%
Face 50%
Penis 0%

No suprise there.


Butt 58% (don't like 'em big...at all)

Face 50% (actually this should be #1)

Abs/Stomach 50% (flat)

Boobs 42% (should be equal with butt)

Penis 0% (really no surprise here)
</font></td></tr></td></tr></table><br><a href='http://quizfarm.com/test.php?q_id=21097'>What Body Part Are You Attracted To?(pics)</a><br><font face='Arial' size='1'>created with <a href='http://quizfarm.com'>QuizFarm.com</a></font></table>