Quite possibly the best man I've ever known.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
You only have one option. Take the ashes to the cunts house, knock on her door, go inside, tell her how much you respected, and loved her father, set the ashes on a table, tell her he needs to be with HIS family, tell her to NEVER, under any circumstances EVER treat your mother disrespectfully again, and if she does....they'll be sharing the urn. Tell her goodbye, tell her all contact will be severed, and then, make sure she understands not to act like a cunt, by telling her exactly that...."And try not to be a CUNT! Goodbye.".

Solid advice, except for the threat. Her husband is a cop. And I like him. I'd hate for him to have to arrest me.


Closed Account
Unfortunately Ace, this happens too much after someone leaves here. You truly see the TRUE side of family during this time.
Sorry for your loss ace and my sincerest condoleances.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Solid advice, except for the threat. Her husband is a cop. And I like him. I'd hate for him to have to arrest me.

Well then, you most certainly have my permission to edit the above statement, as needed, at your discretion, to suit the situation.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
A couple other things I heard anecdotally from Don Jr while we were smoking cigars and drinking brandy the day before Don died:

Firefighters are renowned for being...light fingered. That is, sometimes valuable items found during calls will sometimes find their way into a firefighter's pocket. Renowned isn't an apt word. Notorious, that's more like it. My stepfather was proud of the fact that he never succumbed to that temptation except for the time he was mopping up at a fire in a music store and found a couple Hohner harmonicas floating in the runoff water. They would have otherwise been scrapped but Don salvaged them and cleaned them up. My mother made certain Don received those and his father's Chief's signet rings and his badge. It was an emotional day.

One other story Don relayed about his father was that he nearly died in a floor collapse but was lucky to escape with only two broken legs. Building collapse is one of the things any firefighter is rightfully scared shitless about. I'll try to get him to give me more information but I do think it speaks to his character that he never told my mother this in the entire 16 years of their marriage.

I got his flag mounted in a display with several of his FDNY uniform devices and insignia. The realtors have us pack away his memorabilia when there's an open house or an appointment because of the collectible nature and value of them. But when we get back into the house, the first thing I do is put his flag display back in its place.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Nice tribute. You have really honored him by sharing his life story and childrens names on a porn site.

Wow. First off. It's a re post of something I made for another site and my blog. I posted it here because there are many people I'm friendly with who inquired. So eat a bag of.....I won't sully this thread with pettiness and name calling. But welcome to my ignore list.
Wow. First off. It's a re post of something I made for another site and my blog. I posted it here because there are many people I'm friendly with who inquired. So eat a bag of.....I won't sully this thread with pettiness and name calling. But welcome to my ignore list.

Does it matter if it's a repost you made for other sites? Do I care if you ignore me?

This is a porn site. Ask yourself if this man would like you to post his life story, and childrens names on a fucking porn site.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
And I'm relatively certain they won't be looking for this post here. I'd call you an ass but that would be insulting to asses everywhere.


Official Checked Star Member
I`ll say my piece then.

At what point is honoring a mans life, disrespectful, whether on a porn site or other.

Are you embarrassed by porn? Are people not normal when looking at porn?

This is a social site, friends & enjoyment, laugh & tears, we`re here together in life.


Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I just signed up for a walk to end Alzheimer's. If anyone is interested in donating or participating in it or any other events, send me a PM. Thank you.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Today is the second anniversary of my stepfather's death. There will be a mass in his honor tonight. I've been thinking a lot about him the last couple days and if I could have treated him better or made his last few months more comfortable. I look at his folded flag in the family room and remember how well he treated my mother and my family. It reminds me that no one is truly dead as long as people still remember their name, at least that's what the Mexicans believe.

May the burdens of this world rest lightly on his shoulders.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
May that burden you wear be light. I share the feeling of thinking about my own father, and the way I did not have contact with him as much as I now would have loved to have had.

I think many of us, especially as we more and more developed an urge to invest mnore and more of our time and energy in our work and other, in retrospectiv vain enterprises that do not matter like being with our family, and especially those who brought us into this world, and those who made the conscious effort to step in and be there for us, no matter what. That is what I call a true hero.

Sadly, both my father and me did not invest much energy and time in our famiy life, and so we missed out on a lot of good times togethr. In his older age, he eached out to me, but, "the song "Cat's In The Cradle" puts it best, I declined. Next june it will be 15 years since he passed. I made my peace with myself, but I am making sure I don't do that with my mum. We are very close, more than we ever been.

Be well, and make the best out of life as it is right now