First off, I would like to personally thank every officially checked porn star that uses, posts, and contributes to As a fan of porn, and the industry I know for a fact it is a difficult demanding, and grueling job. Coming from just a regular guy, this is my way to communicate, connect and admire the women (other than my wife) I most like/love. However, the porn industry doesn’t seem to highlight very much what makes you ladies individuals. Don’t get me wrong. I love to see you doing what you do best, but I’m also very interested in listening to what you have to say. In short, I would like to see more real interviews done with porn stars. So, to maybe help along or, get the demand out for more interviews I have come up with a few questions I would like porn stars to answer. I know the men porn stars are feeling left out. If this becomes a success, then I may have questions for you, but for right now this is only for the ladies of film. Of course, this is not something that is necessary, or a must have, but I would really appreciate it if some (if not all) of you officially checked porn stars would answer 15 general and detailed questions I have as a fan. Thanks again in advance and here are my questions for you:
1) How did you get started in the industry?
2) Where were you born and raised?
3) How does your family and partner feel about your profession?
4) In detail describe your first scene?
5) What memorial experiences (good or bad) did you have doing your first scene?
6) Is there anyone in the industry you would like to work with that you haven’t?
7) Who and what was your favorite scene that you have done to date and why?
8) What differences are there in your professional career than in your personal life when dealing with sex?
9) What really turns you on (professionally and personally)? Explain?
10) What really turns you off (professionally and personally)? Explain?
11) Describe the perfect evening professionally and personally?
12) How important are your fans and why?
13) Do you enjoy boys and/or girls? Which do you prefer and why?
14) Professionally and personally do you prefer longer or thicker dicks? Please explain why?
15) How long will you continue to do porn?
1) How did you get started in the industry?
2) Where were you born and raised?
3) How does your family and partner feel about your profession?
4) In detail describe your first scene?
5) What memorial experiences (good or bad) did you have doing your first scene?
6) Is there anyone in the industry you would like to work with that you haven’t?
7) Who and what was your favorite scene that you have done to date and why?
8) What differences are there in your professional career than in your personal life when dealing with sex?
9) What really turns you on (professionally and personally)? Explain?
10) What really turns you off (professionally and personally)? Explain?
11) Describe the perfect evening professionally and personally?
12) How important are your fans and why?
13) Do you enjoy boys and/or girls? Which do you prefer and why?
14) Professionally and personally do you prefer longer or thicker dicks? Please explain why?
15) How long will you continue to do porn?