Questions about bio edits (babe wiki) regarding how thoroughly you actually check them

I will start with an example: I have noticed that Jana Miartusova is once again listed as having natural breasts. This sort of thing puzzles me greatly, since I think I already made a bio edit years ago and provided absolutely conclusive proof that she has implants. I find it rather unlikely that that particular fact about her has changed, considering that she has been retired from the adult business for some time now. I suspect that these sorts of lax bio edits are not at all uncommon. I remember another case where I accidentally submitted false information (about fake tits, once again, but the comment I submitted along with it provided proof contrary to the accidental false information field so it really should have been edited to contain the correct information in the first place based on the comment) and it got approved as well, though it was reverted later as I made another edit correcting that mistake.

It seems to me that whoever makes those bio corrections is not really taking their job very seriously and doesn't do any sort of fact checking. Using the large backlog of edits that you surely have is not really any sort of excuse. Just lock all the edits completely until you have the backlog sorted out and let the editors take as much time as is needed to thoroughly and accurately go through all of them. Prioritize the edits from OCSMs and ACOs, since they probably will provide information that's much higher in quality than any random registered tosser in here.

Do you retain a complete history for the bio edits and when new edits are made, do you check some of the previous edit comments for sources? I suspect not, since if it were done, in the case of Jana you would have seen the before and after pictures from the links I provided in my bio edit comment and would have rejected the new information as false (and ideally, locked the field completely).

Do you lock information fields in any other cases than at the request of the OCSM in question? There probably aren't many cases where that would be warranted (as I imagine most people making the bio edits probably submit fuck-all in terms of sources or comments), except on the topic of whether the model's breasts are fake or not since that is quite conclusively verifiable by way of before and after pictures. That is admittedly the one bio detail that matters most to me personally, so that's why I talk about it a lot here.

Also, there's another issue with locked bio edits that obviously can't be corrected by the normal route. No reason to comment about it here, there is already a thread about it:

All of this is in the interest of making the search results from the advanced search engine more accurate, nothing more, nothing less.
Hey there, I fully agree with the above and we will take proper action.

We currently do random checks on our reviewers as it is impossible to check all wiki entries. We will contact them all and make clear that this info is important to our visitors.

Thanks again and sorry for the trouble.

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