question about super hot girl from work

Do not ask her out! Go out as group with some of your other coworkers and invite your target along of course. Be the life of the party and pay her very little attention, if any. Pick up another attractive girl while your out. Watch how she reacts to you after that day. :yinyang:

Great advice, only problem is when a coworker makes a move before you. Call dibs on the girl.
Wow, you started a thread that has nothing to with reading somebody else's e-mail.

I don't really think that asking a co-worker out is something that is appropriate. But, do what you will.

Jesus Christ Chef, you need to lighten up a little. ;)

To Mr. live one time. Just once, no matter what the neo nazi new age warblers will preach to you. Grab your cock, man up, and fuckin' go for it.


Closed Account
Just don't ask her to go paintballing. Cinema's out 'cos the film might turn out to be rubbish and your tastes might not match anyway.

Find out what cuisine she's into and then suggest a restaurant that you know, love and trust - but don't over-sell it if she doesn't already know the place. If she does know it then let her choose somewhere else if she wants.

And let her choose and taste the wine if she wants - this isn't the Dark Ages.

Kiss her at the beginning of the evening - not the end - it's less formal, more platonic and there's no build up to go through.

Don't bang her on the first date. Taxi. Separate houses. Keep her guessing til next time.

Hope that plan builds your confidence.


Closed Account
Just don't ask her to go paintballing. Cinema's out 'cos the film might turn out to be rubbish and your tastes might not match anyway.

Find out what cuisine she's into and then suggest a restaurant that you know, love and trust - but don't over-sell it if she doesn't already know the place. If she does know it then let her choose somewhere else if she wants.

And let her choose and taste the wine if she wants - this isn't the Dark Ages.

Kiss her at the beginning of the evening - not the end - it's less formal, more platonic and there's no build up to go through.

Don't bang her on the first date. Taxi. Separate houses. Keep her guessing til next time.

Hope that plan builds your confidence.

Oh, and don't ask her out in front of loads of people: this is too much pressure for her - she's more likely to say no and it'll embarass both of you.

In private I would just say: "Listen. I like you and I want to ask you out for a meal, that's all. What kind of food do you like?"
I'm a decent-looking guy but there is a girl from work who I really want, she's literally the hottest non-celeb girl who I have ever seen (in person). I'm almost 100% sure that she'll say no but figure it never hurts to try. Bad idea? She's hard to gauge since she's really friendly with everyone and has a masters in business so she is pretty smart too.

Have self confidence,strike up a conversation and see how it goes. You are not worse than anyone else and probably much better. Good Luck.
Do you also have a Master's Degree? I work with women like her and if you are not in the same league or higher, You Might as well choke your chicken to her in your dreams at night.

:2 cents:

Damn, way to kill this guy's dream. I don't agree with it, however. I banged a few attorneys in my day and I haven't even graduated college yet.

What you have to realize is that you're in a great position to get to know her. You probably see her a lot of the time, if not most of the time at work. Don't move in too fast. Get to know her, but don't fall into the "friend" category. Show her you can be fun, witty, smart and couldn't give two shits about what she thinks and she'll be on your jock.

As for fucking around at work, well, that's on you.
Have you thought about laying across her desk and giving her a full-frontal shot? Maybe she will climb aboard you right then and there...:dunno: What's the worst thing that can both get fired?

Hell...this is a great economy to look for a job...:rolleyes::1orglaugh

well, huh, yeah, i've thought about doing lots of things with her :coolman:

but i won't try anything until she gets a job somewhere else and i know she is leaving :thumbsup:
Whatever you do, don't ask an internet board for advice about what to do. ;)

Any "line", no matter how good, is likely going to fail.
"So, do"
If you don't know her well enough to feel comfortable to ask her, then you probably don't know her well enough for her to feel comfortable going out with you.

:2 cents:
You are thinking about the whole situation wrong. Don't think about it in terms of "asking her out" or "making a move." A "move" that can be "turned down". Get to know her (you want to know her right) - ask her about herself. Find a common interest. Then it won't be so difficult or uncertain.

Once you have something in common, then she may invite you to do that with her (and friends) or you can invite her. In that more casual setting you can treat her well and find out if she is really interested in you. If she is, she will make it clear with hints and open opportunities.
Then you won't need to ask anybody because you will already know when the time is right.

oh...oh ... and don't forget to enjoy right now. The anticipation is one of the best moments. Savor It.