Of Course!
No, she's ugly!
I don't know!
Why are all of my answers so angry?
I think I really need to step back, take a deep breath and really think about my answer without angrily leaping towards a conclusion and then an answer under so much emotional baggage. I mean of course a question such as this will provoke a response due to it's entire nature. Quite frankly I can't see how someone hasn't already found your house and killed you in your sleep yet.
Alas, hired help isn't what it used to be.
But as you're still here, I will give you some advice. Advice passed down to me by one of the greatest minds of
"A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away". It goes something like this:
"Fear leads to anger,
Anger leads to hate,
Hate leads to Suffering."
Now I know you don't want that now do you?
au revoir:wave2:
Would you fuck Queen Latifah?
Fuck you!
Would you fuck Queen Latifah?
Fuck you!
Would you fuck Queen Latifah?
Fuck you, you dirty cunt. I hope you're raped by 6 AIDS infected horses!
Would you fuck Queen Latifah?
Would you fuck Queen Latifah?
Why don't you just die!
Would you fuck Queen Latifah?
Would you fuck Queen Latifah?
Would you fuck Queen Latifah?
Would you fuck Queen Latifah?
Would you fuck Queen Latifah?
Would you fuck Queen Latifah?
Would you fuck Queen Latifah?
Would you fuck Queen Latifah?
You see? That's how it's done.