Pussy with no taste?

my ex gf had no taste... or smell... it was wonderful as hell! she was alot younger and i dont think that was the reason cuz when i was young i remember sum rank ass pussy... she was the first girl i ever met that i couldnt smell for a few hours afterwards.. i was so in luv... i never tried to get her to eat asparagus or garlic to see if that changed it but i do know she was freakin clean as hell... i miss her still... i cant eat rank ass pussy makes me sick and ruins my mood for like a minute or so...
add sugar to taste
Wif 5 day old tartar sauce. :D

Sitting under the hot desert sun... :eek:

In all seriousness, I've never given a woman oral who had no taste... As a general rule, if I lay my head in her lap and can smell anything, I won't go down on her later... It's usually a very George Costanza-styled experience in getting my head onto their laps for the test.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Are you sure you weren't just kidding her on the lips?

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