Public cumshot suprise

Hi People,

I havnt made too many posts yet but hopefully that will change. Does anyone know of any vids of public suprise facials? That is when i guy randomly runs up to a chick and cums on her and she wasnt expecting it or doesnt want it?? I have seen a few around but cant seem to track them down anymore so unfortunately no example sorry!!
Hi People,

I havnt made too many posts yet but hopefully that will change. Does anyone know of any vids of public suprise facials? That is when i guy randomly runs up to a chick and cums on her and she wasnt expecting it or doesnt want it?? I have seen a few around but cant seem to track them down anymore so unfortunately no example sorry!!
WTF?!?!?!?!?! I sure as hell hope that's FAKE if you've ever seen it.
Google : ejaculating on asian girls in public

I find it seriously difficult to believe that any of those clips weren't set-ups, but even still that was hilarious... but seriously, I definitely wouldn't want that happening to me, or really anyone I know. It's kind of like watching people get hit by slow moving cars, you feel bad that you're laughing, but they totally had it coming.