PS5 Topic


FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
Staff member
? Isn't a cross supposed to be vertical? "+" ? And top-heavy? And don't they want to avoid all religious references? (See all those JPN games that had crosses and references to god removed??)

Hey, don't blame the messenger. I call it X, as does nearly everyone I'm sure. I think they just didn't want to get sued. :p


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Also annoying:
L1 L2 on playstation, Left and Right 'bumper' on Xbox
When emulating N64... just where is a convenient place to map 'Z' trigger and A + B to? The front C directional buttons already take up the 4 side buttons.. so it becomes a per-game-configuration chore to play.
QTE quick time events on consoles. Not only is it a quick thing, but you gotta guess which button it is on whatever system youre on. (X, Y, B, A, etc)
PS4 why did they change the 'start' button to a generic oval and call it options?
Granted it DOES actually go to options, but its just odd.
Playing a DVD on PS2, PS3 or 4 : WHY YOU CHANGE THE BUTTONS EVERY GENERATION?! Start is shaped like a play button, it should be 'play'. Select is stop.
Hey, don't blame the messenger. I call it X, as does nearly everyone I'm sure. I think they just didn't want to get sued. :p

No, that's not it at all. It's a cultural difference between Japan and the rest of the world. You have to think of the Cross/X as Crossout or Cancel. They have added a firmware to the Japanese PS4's to change it as said in the second link.

"Because in the Japanese mindset X means "no, bad, wrong, or cancel" it is the perfect label for the PlayStation's "back button" in the home market. But outside of Japan, there is no implicit negative association with "X." So when Sony swapped the default functions for the X and O buttons for the PlayStation's international release, they probably thought there would be no problems caused by the change."

"In Japan, the O button made the most sense as a confirm button. The “X” cross shape is known as “batsu” in Japanese, and it carries similar connotations as it does in the West — no one wants a bunch of Xs on their exam results — but the “maru” circle shape has a similar meaning to the check mark in Western culture. For example, game shows will display a circle whenever a contestant gets an answer right."
I only wrote that because you didn't mention the PS1 in your post. I thought it would be odd that they would only go as far back as the PS2. I still have PS1 games like the original FF VII, FF VIII, FF XI, Xenogears, Legend of Dragoon among many others that I would love to play on a PS5 if they're doing backwards compatibility, so I wouldn't have to switch out consoles.
I stopped at PS2 because the Xbox Series X only plays 4 generations, i.e. up to the XBox, which is PS2 gen. It wouldn't be fair to compare them with 5 generations; although since both the PS3 & PS2 support the PS1 architecture, if PS5 was PS3 or PS2 compatible, it would likely be PS1 compatible too :)
No, that's not it at all. It's a cultural difference between Japan and the rest of the world. You have to think of the Cross/X as Crossout or Cancel. They have added a firmware to the Japanese PS4's to change it as said in the second link.

"Because in the Japanese mindset X means "no, bad, wrong, or cancel" it is the perfect label for the PlayStation's "back button" in the home market. But outside of Japan, there is no implicit negative association with "X." So when Sony swapped the default functions for the X and O buttons for the PlayStation's international release, they probably thought there would be no problems caused by the change."

"In Japan, the O button made the most sense as a confirm button. The “X” cross shape is known as “batsu” in Japanese, and it carries similar connotations as it does in the West — no one wants a bunch of Xs on their exam results — but the “maru” circle shape has a similar meaning to the check mark in Western culture. For example, game shows will display a circle whenever a contestant gets an answer right."

Funny story, the "checkmark" symbol is used in Japanese tests to indicate a wrong answer. And as mentioned, the circle is a "correct answer", although I remember some western teachers circling a wrong answer (e.g. the wrong part of a math equation), so technically you can say the "O" & "✓ ✔" are total opposites in Japan & the west. So don't feel bad if your test is full of "O's", but get worried if your test is all ✓ ✔'s
As long as they don't change the layout for what button is where on the controller I don't care what they call them. The game developers usually set which functions in the game go to which buttons so outside of a few handful of cases I don't think it would really matter which button does which control on the system itself. :dunno:

Really in this day in age I don't know why any complex electronic computerized device or piece of software that uses buttons wouldn't have button mapping features you could customized yourself.

The DS5 controller, or "DualSense" has been revealed. Kinda disappointed they didn't just keep the tired and true formula. Usually a console HAS to design a new controller; Sony had the luxury of keeping the same basic shape for 4 generations. Pple are saying it resembles anything from Portal 2, First Order Stormtroopers to those drones Jim Carey used in Sonic.

As long as the analog sticks last longer, I'm good.

@darkwarrior3007 I'm guessing you're happy about WMania?


FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
Staff member
I think it's ugly, but I'm assuming the design had to change to accomodate whatever is happening in the inside with the touch/rumble features. It looks too much like XBox for my tastes, and the white does not suit me.

That being said, if it fits good in the hand, and the feedback rumble shit is impressive, I'll live. I am very very curious.
Yeah, the "fat" does make it feel less like a DS for sure, but like you said, maybe the tech couldn't fit into the DS shape. The motors would have to be pretty complex from what they are describing.

You're not alone in the color. The Charlotte Hornets even did a mockup of the controller in their colors LOL.
I don't know why they didn't just keep the default black and release white as an alternate color. Seems unnecessary.
I just felt really bad for Kairi. She was set for a title match at WM with a theme that literally mirrored her gimmick, and it was taken away from her. Rumor has it that she isn't re-signing, which is why they made her drop the title.
I just felt really bad for Kairi. She was set for a title match at WM with a theme that literally mirrored her gimmick, and it was taken away from her. Rumor has it that she isn't re-signing, which is why they made her drop the title.
If it's Dave Meltzer reporting it, I don't put much stock into anything he says.
True, the source is important.
She was legit married recently, and it's long-distance, so the assumption is it's someone in Japan. So with all that's going on, for her to go back to want to start a family would make sense. Let's face it, the women's tag division hasn't nearly been the success that it was hyped up to be. Most "tag teams" are wrestling singles (Boss/Hug), have broken up (Riot squad) or are just MIA (IIconics??). I don't get what it is with WWE and not capitalizing on potential when they've invested in the first step.
With vent shafts like that, I would have to assume that the design puts to bed the "standing or laying flat" debate.

We knew about the controllers, but I'm wondering about those earphones now. We've had 3D surround sound since the PS3 headphones, so I don't know what more this can offer


FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
Staff member
I'm still most curious about the controllers more than anything. Games looked the same, nothing ground breaking in the least. Nothing I got excited over for sure. Spiderman? I think its the same Spiderman too.
there was a bunch of comments on a gaming website i frequent
the ppl were whining and complaining about the color.
not sure if it's just me.... i don't care about the color - my focus is on my tv when watching programming or game playing.
i look at my PS4 1 time per day for a split second, when i turn it on to see the white light come on ( even though it beeps )
they could have made the PS5 orange green and pink - it's not going to make a difference to me the color.
ppl love to bitch about anything that has ABSOLUTELY ZERO EFFECT on their daily lives. it's hilarious