Says the guy that puts his faith in monetized youtube videos. I'm going to pay Zen Hexenhammer $5000 to put a curse on your nutsack.
Yes I watch yootoob videos.
Yes I actually get much of my news from yootoob.
Why? I canceled my TV over a year ago. Too expensive and too much shit. Tv is darn near obsolete.
All the news that is on cable tv is on yootoob also. Its just a more efficient way to find it.
Today on yootoob I watched the WH PressConference from yesterday.
I listened to Spicer explain what the PREZ has been doing the past few days. Explain the immigration order in detail.
Then I watched most of the so called journalists ask repeatedly why Trump didn't mention the number 6 million jews at least 2 dozen times and didn't go on and on about antisemitism during his recent speech honoring holocaust victims.
Because thats what its all about, promoting the pro israel agenda.
So if I got my news on TV today instead I would have learned that TRump hates Jews. Trump is King of all Nazis, Trump hates Israel.
Because that was the battleplan against him today.
And what I said was true. The term liberal used to be synonomous with being smart, cultered, basically knowledgable of the world and things happening around them.
Now its mostly a bunch of brainwashed idiots who really know very little about what they supposedly care about. More often than not they are grossly misinfromed.
Just out there protesting stuff they don't understand. Starting trouble, getting violent. Chanting meaningless slogans and wearing vagina hats.
And if you try to reason with them they get that blank look on their face. Most are too far gone to ever come back. It would devastate their entire sense of self awareness.
Hippies, phony as most were at least were protesting against an unnecessary war. At least they had a cause.
These idiots today have no idea what they are protesting.
Programmed Robots. Zombie Hoards.
And that is the face of liberalism.