Prostitution should it be legal?

Prostitution should it be legal?

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Just put an fly in the ointment here, whats the difference between prostitutes getting paid for sex, and porn stars being paid to have sex?

Well, may be pornstars do it cos' they love it; I'm not sure for prostitutes :dunno: !
Well, may be pornstars do it cos' they love it; I'm not sure for prostitutes :dunno: !

No, porn stars do it because they get paid. These women could fuck all the men they wanted for free, they do it on film for the money. To tell the truth, I think porn stars basically are prostitutes (a special class of prostitutes, perhaps) and, if anything, the porn industry would be the model for how legalized prostitution in the US should work; regulation to prevent underage girls getting involved and frequent health checks. It's legal in most (all? I'm not sure) European countries and, as far as I can tell, it hasn't produced any worse social problems there than the US has anyway.

It's easy to list the evils of prostitution, and I'm not a pro-prostitution person (I mean, I wouldn't encourage anyone to become one or hire one), but I think the Prohibition comparison applies here; it's a victimless crime if no pimps and pushers are involved, and better to regulate the vice to get rid of the worst of it than to pretend that people aren't going to get it on the black market. But, as with legalizing drugs, good luck getting any politicians in the US to get out there as the person who sponsored a bill to legalize hookers. Election suicide.
Easy, to tell the difference. You pay a prostitute directly to fuck her/him. Payment goes one way only. Porno people are getting paid for a performance. Peter North doesn't hand over a 'wad" of cash along with his usual half a gallon of wallpaper paste. He gets paid for his performance as does the other performer.

I don't care how good a lover you are, a prostitute isn't going to kick back, light a cigarette and slip you couple of hundred when you climb off her.
I've no problem with it, as long as all parties are consenting. The state has no business in the bedroom.

Where prostitution is fully legalised, people involved in the industry can turn to the authorities and the rest of society for help, when there are abuses of power going on. Where it's not legalised, prostitutes have no one to turn to.
Easy, to tell the difference. You pay a prostitute directly to fuck her/him. Payment goes one way only. Porno people are getting paid for a performance. Peter North doesn't hand over a 'wad" of cash along with his usual half a gallon of wallpaper paste. He gets paid for his performance as does the other performer.

I don't care how good a lover you are, a prostitute isn't going to kick back, light a cigarette and slip you couple of hundred when you climb off her.

You probably don't necessarily pay the prostitute directly not if theres a pimp involved. You could argue the studios/talent agents fulfill the role of the pimps in the porn industry so is there any real diff?

What about male prostitutes would they get equal rights compared to a woman?, it is a female dominated industry. Then there is the thorny issue of shemale/non gender prostitutes which law would they fall under the laws protecting men or women?
I wouldn't pay for sex, but I am supportive of legalization of prositution because just think about how much revenue could be made. I would favor heavy regulations (I'm socialistic okay?) though, like taxing brothels. I could just imagine prostitute unions and them striking LOL!
I've never paid for sex, never have, never will. I see prostitution as a sexual freedom much like what porn is and I do support it 100%. As long as the person who is a sex worker is over the age of 18, is not forced into it, it not of drugs, hasn't been abused in any way and does not have any problems what so ever. It is sort of a grey area here in the UK, currently here it is not illegal to pay for sex but it may be soon if the religious fundies and the feminist fundies have their way with the bullshit research that they feed to the government since the same tactics worked in Sweden, Norway and more recently Iceland.
Prostitution and porn has one other thing in common, they have the same enemies who are as I mentioned above, religious fundamentalists and feminist fundamentalists.
Religious fundamentalists (not surprising there) are against all kinds of sexual freedoms and seems to ignore the opinion of the religious people that have liberal views and opinions on prositution, porn and other sexual freedoms.
Feminist fundamentalists are under the retarded delusion that all sex workers in the world are women and are all being forced into it, they make up facts and statistics and feed them to governments, bare in mind these types of feminists are nothing more then women supremists who want to treat men how men treated women for thousands of years (though you can thank religion for that since religion repress women) and are being nothing more then sexist towards men since the very things they want banned never seem to mention men that does those things too. They ignore the feminists (the sane ones that know that men and women are equal no matter what) that support prostitution and other sexual freedoms, they also seem to ignore that there also male sex workers and there has been a huge increase of women paying men for sex.
I think it should be legalized, well regulated, and highly taxed. We could put a lot of people to work, get some tax money into the coffers, and have more happy people running around.
Prostitute walks into a police station to try to file a complaint.

Police officer: Yes madam how can I help you?
Prostitute: Erm yes hello officer, I wish to report a rape.
Police officer: Certainly madam, who was the person raped yourself or somebody else?
Prostitute: It was myself actually.
Police officer: OK madam we will start by filling out an incident report then, when did the rape you mention take place?
Prostitute: Well about seven days ago officer.
Police officer: Seven days ago madam? Why the delay, was there some sort of problem?
Prostitute: Well I picked up this rich client good looking and all and took him back to my place. We engaged in hot sex, and after about half an hour we were all done. The client didn't have cash on him so insisted on paying by cheque, saying he would pay double for my inconvenience. Well I figured its the most money I have made for a while so I accepted and he left.
Police officer: So what's the problem madam, two consenting adults, sex was all paid do you claim rape was involved?
Prostitute: Well I viewed my bank account and realised only yesterday that the bastards cheque had bounced!

:rofl: :wave2: :rofl2:
"Re: Prostitution should it be legal?"

Gonna be a case of: 'Not in my backyard!' :nono:
"Re: Prostitution should it be legal?"

Gonna be a case of: 'Not in my backyard!' :nono:

The laws regarded to prostitution is much more complicated than "Not in my backyard".

In many counties, prostitution is NOT illegal as long as it is not "pimping" or illegal profit from facilitating the solicitation of sex from another person.

So a madam can provide a massage palour/spa and charges a fee to provide a girl to provide such service. Such fee may be called "room service" fee.

It is done across North America from San Francisco to New York as long as the madam does not profit from such act or promote such act.

However, many cities have by-laws which totally outlaw such facilities. And it is the exchange of money as proof of solicitation to consitute such act which is illegal. Federal laws also prohibit wiring of money through interstate to facilitate the solicitation of sex from another person.
It's legal in The Netherlands.
So, I should say "yes."

Many countries allow prostitution but have restriction regarded to solicitation and consent between two adults in a private settings.

As we know, prostitution is illegal in the city limit of Las Vegas but legal outside Las Vegas in Clarke County. But in reality, the Legislative Assembly of Nevada approved prostitution in Nevada outside Las Vegas partially based on the population of the county or the city in Nevada. (it is the population the number of people live in a county in Nevada)

So the laws vary from state to state, country to country.
It's legal in The Netherlands.
So, I should say "yes."

Policy: Prostitution is legal, regarded as a matter of privacy. Exploitation and pimping are illegal. Local councils decide when and where to prosecute. In most cities, soliciting is forbidden.

Practice: Prostitution businesses operate in a free-market situation. The businesses and the prostitutes have to pay taxes. But prostitutes have no rights as working women and face severe social stigmatization.

Policy: Not an offence per se in the Criminal Code. Private transactions are legal, but soliciting, pimping and brothel-keeping are illegal under federal law.

Practice: Some cities use municipal by-laws relating to loitering and public nuisance against prostitutes. Prostitutes’ rights organizations have been working to repeal the prostitution laws and to empower prostitutes to improve their working conditions.

I think it should be, although I have some rather libertarian views. All of the arguments of why not to have it, happen anyway. People meet in bars, have unprotected sex and spread disease. People have been attacked before, during and after sex acts.

In the places where it is legal, like a couple of counties in Nevada, it is watched and regulated. It all takes place in safe environments, not in cars or in unsafe neighborhoods. I think prostitution is one of the activities that is more dangerous because it is illegal.

If legalized, there would still be problems and some people would still be victimized. So it's going to be a problem either way.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I voted "yes", but I'm really just for decriminalization. I'm not into hookers myself, and I don't smoke pot, but decriminalization (not regulating or controlling) frees up law enforcement resources for more important issues. Locking up hookers and potheads is an incredible waste, IMO.

I appreciate the moral arguments against my (libertarian) position. But are we all set to start investigating and arresting the woman who gives a man a blowjob after an expensive dinner? Are we all set to start investigating and arresting women who marry men for their money? Hell, half the women in Orange County, CA would be in county jail by next weekend. Decriminalize it and move on. And no, I'm not for forming a Dept. of Hooker & Pothead Affairs. It's a life choice that those people make. What happens happens. I'm just not for wasting money chasing them around and locking them up.


Oldest profession since time began....Legalize it ta fuck then it would be regulated, women get maybe health benefits I dunno better than some pimp asshole beating them and taking there mulla. All them "moral" politicians out there should think......TAXES!