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Props to Pelosi

Nancy Pelosi's all-day marathon speech sets record as longest continuous speech since at least 1909

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi's all-day speech broke a record for longest-continuous speech in House history.

The California Democrat spoke for more than 8 hours before yielding the floor. It was the longest continuous speech since at least 1909.

And she did it all while wearing 4-inch high-heels.

Pelosi got the news of her new record while continuing to tell stories of DREAMers, undocumented immigrants who were brought to the United States when they children. Her all-day remarks are aimed at protesting a budget deal that doesn't include protections for the group.

While laughing, Pelosi announced that she'd broken a record and said she wondered what the last record-breaking speech was about. A round of applause broke out from her colleagues.

Pelosi started speaking at 10:04 a.m. and stopped shortly after 6 p.m. While her speech was an act of protest, it wasn't a filibuster.

That move is used in the Senate to delay or block legislation, and there isn't a House equivalent.

House members are usually only given one minute to make remarks but Pelosi used her unlimited, "magic" minute, available only to party leaders to tell stories of those who aspire to become U.S. citizens.

She also spoke about the Declaration of Independence, the country's founders and prayer.

The 1909 speech was made by James Beauchamp “Champ” Clark, a prominent Democrat from Missouri. He served as Speaker of the House and unsuccessfully sought the democratic nomination for President in 1912.

He lost to Woodrow Wilson.

His speech lasted 5 hours and 15 minutes and took aim at a tariff called the Payne-Aldrich Act, which lowered tariffs but raised rates on some resources like coal and iron.

Republicans ended up passing the measure.


at her age, to do that for 8 hours and in heels no less.

I don't agree with her politics of course, but you have to respect that.

Speaking of which, filibusters should actually be filibusters.
Just shows how far she is willing to go to get 3 million more Democrat voters.

Fuck her.
Just shows how far she is willing to go to get 3 million more Democrat voters.

Fuck her.

true. but just that feat of endurance is impressive.

after just 30 minutes 5 minutes I would be like, "you know what? fuck this."

and I can already see the campaign ads: "Nancy Pelosi is willing to stand 8 hours for illegals but won't stand for Americans."
true. but just that feat of endurance is impressive.

after just 30 minutes 5 minutes I would be like, "you know what? fuck this."

and I can already see the campaign ads: "Nancy Pelosi is willing to stand 8 hours for illegals but won't stand for Americans."

Yeah, she couldn’t get off of her ass
to stand for low black unemployment, or to show respect for Angel families, but can stand for 8 hours for non American citizens.
Did you see the part of her charade where she says her grandson wishes he has brown skin and eyes? She started describing his ethnicity and said he was Irish, German ,Italian and “ whatever,whatever”
Can you imagine if Trump had used “ whatever” to describe an ethnicity?
Fuck the cotdam left.

I hope she got a blood clot for her efforts.

Did you see the part of her charade where she says her grandson wishes he has brown skin and eyes? She started describing his ethnicity and said he was Irish, German ,Italian and “ whatever,whatever”

I recall an otherwise irrelevant former member here lamenting that they were not mexican because they would make a "good one."

lol @ white liberals.

Will E Worm

DACA: Democrats Against the Citizens of America

DACA represented a violent theft against every American child.


How many drugs was Pelosi on when she gave that speech, and who wrote it?

Pharmacy Hand-delivers Drugs to Congress, a Little-known Perk for the Powerful

I'll prop Nancy Pelosi when she'll leave, that's the best thing she could do for the american people, let her seat to a strong, progressive democrat, not weak corporate democrat who would do anything their donors would tell them to do.
I knew folks in a lockdown unit I used to work in that stood longer, held conversations and or ramblings, and they couldn't tell between the pain or sometimes time of day. And some were older than Pelosi...
Yeah, she couldn’t get off of her ass to stand for low black unemployment

Why in the fuck would she (or anybody else for that matter) stand and applaud Trump's transparent grandstanding over low black unemployment?
What the fuck did he have to do with it? His contribution, if any can be ascribed, was a tiny increment in the overall long term reduction.

That'd be like standing and applauding Trump if he were to take sole credit for destroying ISIS, when most all of the heavy lifting had already been done before he took office.

Actually the above isn't just a theoretical. I fully expect Donny to try to rewrite history on that subject. He's already leaning that way. And we can be sure that if he does his legions of trained seals will shower him with the kind of applause only "real americans" can appreciate LOL
georges said:

I love when conservatives blame the mainstream medias for having a liberal bias but get their news from a website which very name doesn't even hide how much it is biased...
Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye
Why in the fuck would she (or anybody else for that matter) stand and applaud Trump's transparent grandstanding over low black unemployment?
What the fuck did he have to do with it? His contribution, if any can be ascribed, was a tiny increment in the overall long term reduction.

That'd be like standing and applauding Trump if he were to take sole credit for destroying ISIS, when most all of the heavy lifting had already been done before he took office.

Actually the above isn't just a theoretical. I fully expect Donny to try to rewrite history on that subject. He's already leaning that way. And we can be sure that if he does his legions of trained seals will shower him with the kind of applause only "real americans" can appreciate LOL

Because it is fucking true. The smoke and mirrors and lies of Democrats , the media and quite frankly, people like you doesn’t hold water. The left tout supposed falling black unemployment during Obama’s tenure when they like other demographics were falling out of the job market. The Obama administration simply stopped factoring in the numbers and BLS followed suit. Stop counting the beans then they aren’t relevant.

Black Income fell like a rock during Obama’s presidency and now is it going up again. No amount of skewing will change that fact.

Let’s get one thing straight here, Obama’s economy sucked, labor participation rates sucked and he never implemented one policy that made the economy better for ANY class of American.

As for ISIS, they festered and became a threat during Obama’s Presidency. You are not hearing as much about them because of this administration’s efforts.

My god! As it turns out that reasonable, poster pool hustler was only able to be reasonable when you had a president in office that you liked. I caught a lot of heat trying to give Obama a chance from 2009-2011.

You are becoming absolutely delusional.
The simple fact that Trump speaks about "black unemployment" is racist. There's no such things as "black unemployment. There's unemployment. Some unemployed happen to be white, some happen to be white, asian, lantinos, or whatever
Talking about "black unemployment" means black unemployed would be treated differently from other unemployed. Treating people differently according to their "race" is, by definition, racism
The simple fact that Trump speaks about "black unemployment" is racist. There's no such things as "black unemployment. There's unemployment. Some unemployed happen to be white, some happen to be white, asian, lantinos, or whatever
Talking about "black unemployment" means black unemployed would be treated differently from other unemployed. Treating people differently according to their "race" is, by definition, racism
The Bureau Of Labor Statistics started keeping separate numbers on demographics in 1972. Are they racist?

You’ve lost your damn mind.
The Bureau Of Labor Statistics started keeping separate numbers on demographics in 1972. Are they racist?

You’ve lost your damn mind.
Keeping track about what propotion of blacks are unemployed or among unemployed, how many happen to be blacks is not racist.
Refering to black unemployed is.
But I'm not even surprised such concepts are difficult to process for someone like you...
You are becoming absolutely delusional.

Here, here's some more delusion for you ...



By 2017, ISIS has lost control of its major strongholds, and now the terrorist group occupies only a small enclave in the desert.

By the time Trump took office, Islamic State territory had fallen to 23,000 square miles [from a peak of over 90]. By June of 2017 the Islamic State controlled 14,000 square miles — and it has fallen further since. But far more of the “liberation” of territory, in square miles, took place before Trump took office, including the recapture of east Mosul as well as cities across Anbar province (Fallujah) and key Syrian cities such as Manbij that controlled the Turkish-Syrian frontier.

Trump has taken credit for recent military gains against the Islamic State, furthering the narrative that he’s responsible for turning things around. In reality, his administration has wisely picked up where Obama’s administration left off and stayed the course.
Did you even fucking read my post? If you did, then you didn’t comprehend it.

I said that because many stopped looking for work they were no longer factored into the numbers. Instead you post a stupid graph. Obama hung his hat on lower unemployment numbers simply because of that. Do you have a graph for the black poverty rate under Obama or black income?

ISIS flourished under Obama, remember the cotdam JV Team?

The estimate of his efforts were about 30 sorties a day. 30!! Yeah that’s taking it to them.

As I said, you fuckers are delusional, dishonest or both.
Keeping track about what propotion of blacks are unemployed or among unemployed, how many happen to be blacks is not racist.
Refering to black unemployed is.
But I'm not even surprised such concepts are difficult to process for someone like you...

What? What? Historically the black unemployment rate has been higher, to address it, try and solve it and reference it is racist?

You know what is racist? Democrat ruling class taking the black vote for granted, talking about crumbs, 200 dollars a month in food stamps, section 8 housing, and things never get better. Taxpayer dollars going to fund Planned Parenthood that kill majority black babies. Crumbs to keep them on the Democrat plantation.

You wouldn’t know racism if you tripped over it in the street.
Claiming Trump is responsible for defeating Isis and Obama just let them grow is like claiming Truman was responsible for defeating Japan during WW2 and Roosevelt only let them grow
Claiming Trump is responsible for defeating Isis and Obama just let them grow is like claiming Truman was responsible for defeating Japan during WW2 and Roosevelt only let them grow

You suck at the analogies.
ISIS flourished under Obama. He only gave lip service to fighting them. 30 sorties a day wouldn’t take care of a mosquito problem in most cities.