Problem with quick reply in AFA's recent smoke topic?


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Quick Reply
The following errors occurred with your submission
You do not have permission to perform this action. Please refresh the page and login before trying again.

I was already logged in, and I could post the message as a normal reply. Quick reply kept rejecting, tho.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Quick Reply
The following errors occurred with your submission
You do not have permission to perform this action. Please refresh the page and login before trying again.

I was already logged in, and I could post the message as a normal reply. Quick reply kept rejecting, tho.

HA HAAAA!!! The server doesn't like you. (Nelson)


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Are you still having problems with using the quick reply? Is it in every thread or just that one?


FreeOnes Team Member
I don't know why this happens... But I know that Opera has some issues displaying a vBulletin forum right...
Since when do you have this problem? Do you have cookies enabled? Try using another browser like Internet Explorer or FireFox and look if the problem still occurs.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
I don't know why this happens... But I know that Opera has some issues displaying a vBulletin forum right...
Since when do you have this problem? Do you have cookies enabled? Try using another browser like Internet Explorer or FireFox and look if the problem still occurs.

cookies = enabled
java = disabled
javascript = enabled
send referrer info = enabled

For shizzles and gizzles.. I enabled java for freeones and I'll try again in opera. I'd try in chrome but I've yet to get around to installing it/testing it. :(
I've had the same problem a couple times since I started using Opera. I used to get it all the time when I was using FireFox.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
I've had the same problem a couple times since I started using Opera. I used to get it all the time when I was using FireFox.

And of course internet explorer, the disgustingly unsafe, standard-noncompliant browser never has a problem.

Somewhere, the creators of mosaic are rolling in their graves. Except they're not dead, so it's like a bed.