I was hoping YOU wouldn't show up. You never contribute anything.
At all. :ban:
I actually came to the conclusion that Africans are the best race scientifically speaking.
They show the most evolutionary advanced traits like kinky hair, while other humans have more primitive straight hair shared with apes.
Also since now every non-African may actually be a human-neanderthal hybrid (made wordwide headlines last month), Africans are the only pure humans left on earth
What the fuck are you talking about?
To be fair, some Quebecois consider Canadian French to be different than actual French. :dunno:
Interesting thread. So far, not too many actual Racist bigots (thank God). I actually expected much more ignorance.
I can speak both. They're different languages. Most people no longer refer to Canadian French as French, but as Quebecois.
(The more you know...)
What the fuck are you talking about?
The same thing I was thinking albeit for different reasons probably. I have said it before, but genetically all Africans are not the same as far as genotypes go and phenotypes in some cases. Actually, in terms of genetic variation, the continent of Africa has the most as it contains genotypes that can be found all over the planet and some that cannot. Like another poster said, there really isn't anything that makes one group superior to another as far as our genetics go. Any physical differences we have are all chalked up to our ancestors living in a specific environment for the 20,000 years or so it takes for our bodies to genetically adapt to it. This, of course, is hardly enough time for true human evolution. The real meat of the race debate isn't genetics, but rather culture. As far as that goes, we humans mostly see it as guilt by association.
Along with the complete ignorance and lack of cited proof from the post we're both talking about, I was thinking similarly to you. Also I'm a bit of a paleontology buff, and as far as I know, no Neanderthal DNA has ever been found in modern humans.
Basically it was one of the stupidest fucking posts I've ever seen.
THANK YOU! I left out that little tidbit on Neanderthal DNA. It was just a theory that ended up being dis proven when they were able to get a hold of some Neanderthal DNA. In fact, there was a 2 hour special on NatGeo about it around a year ago.
I watched it. This reminds me of when I first got here. I don't remember what it was about but you blew me away with some knowledge then too. :hatsoff:
But, you guys!?!? Alligator skin.....how cool would that be?!?
But, you guys!?!? Alligator skin.....how cool would that be?!?
Along with the complete ignorance and lack of cited proof from the post we're both talking about, I was thinking similarly to you. Also I'm a bit of a paleontology buff, and as far as I know, no Neanderthal DNA has ever been found in modern humans.
Basically it was one of the stupidest fucking posts I've ever seen.
Recent analyzes of the DNA of modern humans and Neanderthal concluded the two hominid did indeed exchange DNA though interbreeding. There is Neanderthal DNA in modern humans. The evidence is not definitive but very strong and deserve further research to duplicate the results.