I was really holding off on judging that Justice Young Douche Bag till I saw the video. Cause I have a DVD the he's in, and he does another one of my favorite girls, and he he acts all normal in it.

Now, I know you can't please everybody all the time. I mean, even if there was toe sucking, I would be repulsed. But the fucking choking with the seatbelt? What the fuck is that? Seriously, and he directed this shit? I don't care about his skinny scrawny looks, it's his judgment. I am totally on the Justice Young is a Douche Bag wagon now.

But I mean, I'm still buying the fucking DVD, cause it's still kinda hot. I like how they are fucking, and he pulls the door open and those dude are on the sidewalk watching.

But seriously, what the fuck is up with the seat belt? But yeah, other then that, it's cool. And I'd like to see that Lichelle take it anally!

In Conclusion, Justice Young is a Douche Bag.
I would really not mind a law against stuff like that in movies.

I know people who like that shit. I just don't get it. And like I said, I know he had that reputation, but I've seen him act normal. This shit is just so low class...but yeah, like deeze said, he aint pissing on her. It could've been worse.

But, all the same, I don't like, don't see the need, don't get the fantasy aspect. And I know you can't please everybody, but that turd is on the list.


It's all staged, it has to be. Priya could take that guy in a fight no problem, strippers are strong.

A woman as insanely hot as Priya could shoot for who ever she wants, this must be her kink. I'm still just glad she lets pervs like us watch.
It's all staged, it has to be. Priya could take that guy in a fight no problem, strippers are strong.

A woman as insanely hot as Priya could shoot for who ever she wants, this must be her kink. I'm still just glad she lets pervs like us watch.

Oh totally. Women are are the most important part in porn. They get paid more, if they don't like it, they don't have to do it. They have their own rules. Yeah, I don't think she minded.
But still, I don't get off on it. And like I said, if there was toe sucking scene, I'd hate that to, but, I probably wouldn't be calling Justice a shithead for that....well, na, I would, cause he directed it...and he's on the list.
You know, I'm still going to love it. I can just fast forward that seat belt part. And really, it's not the first time I've seen one of my favorites in a degrading fashion.
Damn, I'm gone for two days and all hell breaks loose in this thread! The Busty Loads trailer comes out and also a movie from Brazzers. Between those two things and after watching the LSU/Arkansas game (LSU lost, unfortunately), I'm on fucking life support over here.

I knew Priya was a pretty sexual person, but damn she's freakier than I thought. She looks great in the Busty Loads trailer and the Brazzers flick. It's also great to finally get to hear her voice. I thinks its pretty damn sexy, just like the rest of her.

Isn't it amazing how the traffic in this thread has suddenly picked up since all this stuff with Priya started coming out?

I hated the trailer for busty loads, Priya is too good to be treated like that and being choked by the seat belt not my sort of thing at all.

I prefer her scene with brazzers.com in my opinion.
hey kaotik you are right about the bustyloads and the belt round her neck that kinda put me off wantin to watch that i don't wanna see priya get hurt especially by some dude having sex with her

hey Phaeton, that is the night before the meeting with the rednecks right?
I actually downloaded the video to watch it somewhat against my better judgment, and I didn't like it. I tried. I went as far as forcing my self to like it just for Priya and I just couldn't. That wasn't really what I wanted to see as Priya's first movie. I actually cancelled my order for it if you can believe that. I think I'm going to be skeptical of anything else she is going to come out with from now on. If I would have told me that Priya would have come out with a movie, her first movie, and I would actually choose not to get it a little while ago I would have thought I was crazy....but I guess I just did. I didn't like the fact I might not be supporting her, but then again she probably isn't getting any more money just because the video sells a lot. I just didn't find, I couldn't find it erotic at all; a tough act to do with Priya considering she could wash her laundry and I would think it was great. With pretty much everything under the level of Max Hardcore type of move that seems to have almost everything I hate in too many movies today. They took the most beautiful person in the world, a person that at one time used to be (or maybe just appeared to be) nice, and turned her into a gimmick, a pretty stupid one at that. I don't know maybe I have lost touch with the world or maybe I'm just too much of a normal guy in an industry that has gotten taken over by raincoaters. Maybe that was made for some frat house people out there that are idiots. Maybe some day porn will again realize there are people like me and we are the silent majority. If for some reason anybody else likes dumb ass shit like that, if for some reason you find that pleasing, help yourself.....and yeah Justice Young is a putz. I was kind of wondering if I went too far before with what I said about him, and I was almost thinking of apologizing, but now I don't really feel bad about the bad stuff I said about him. I think I will have to avoid getting any movie that has him in from now on no matter how fantastic it is just out of principle now.

As far as Priya liking it who knows. I kind of hope not. Nobody knows her personal situation anymore, and money can do a lot of things. Just look at what some other people are willing to do. I have never been a fan of looks alone. I have seen a lot of attractive people I didn’t like because of who they are. People have to have the complete package. Where they have a personality to match the outside. People might think I’m stupid for saying this but I have never though of people in this industry as sluts or whores. I have always kept in mind that they are real people behind the camera. Part of why I like a lot of adult stuff isn’t so I can get off, (although I’d be lying if I said I didn’t like that part of it also) it’s because I think that feminine beauty is one of the greatest things ever. It’s like going into a museum and seeing a masterpiece but better because nothing is as good and natured created something that can’t be matched. In some ways it's like perfection. It’s hard to explain.

Anymore I think as she starts caring about the stuff she used to less and about the money more. Then again maybe that's not true. Who knows, maybe with Priya it was one of the few times in my life I let something cloud my better judgment. Maybe Priya is and has always been a fake. :dunno: I have always been a good judge of character, but nobody knows? I hear some things I brushed off because it was Priya and because of how I used to remember her. I hope that’s not because then I'm an idiot for supporting something that wasn't real all this time, and I hate idiots. I have taken pride in my life of not being one and of not being fooled. It’s not a good feeling. If that’s true then in a small way I helped this happen then. Anyway I hope she enjoys her money, and she can always take solace that if she looses her old fans there will always be new ones to keep the cash flowing in. They might not actually care about more than the next movie that comes out but that's not what is always important. I do have to give her credit though, if that really was her first scene and she actually still wanted to continue.
Woah, I wonder if I should even see the trailer. If that's true I don't think I can even watch it. :(

Dude watch the trailer its great, an looks to be a very hot scene. The people on here crying that Priya is to good for this are the same ones lamenting that she got into h/c in the first place. She looks like shes having a great time in both trailers.

To many people on here think shes some porcelain goddess fantasy girl, down load the Mona Lisa instead you can stare at her for hours an I can guarantee she wont go H/C in your lifetime:eek:

Enjoy the vids little Priya has gone H/C an I hope she stays in the biz for many many years an makes 1000's of movies.
Dude watch the trailer its great, an looks to be a very hot scene. The people on here crying that Priya is to good for this are the same ones lamenting that she got into h/c in the first place. She looks like shes having a great time in both trailers.

To many people on here think shes some porcelain goddess fantasy girl, down load the Mona Lisa instead you can stare at her for hours an I can guarantee she wont go H/C in your lifetime:eek:

Enjoy the vids little Priya has gone H/C an I hope she stays in the biz for many many years an makes 1000's of movies.

Sorry, it's not the hardcore part. I don't like stupid gimmicky gonzo stuff, especialy things THAT stupid. At some point I grew up. As far as everything else, I will agree that Priya is a pretty person that can do good hardcore scenes. Then again so can a lot of people out there they just don't have quite the attractiveness of Priya.
To many people on here think shes some porcelain goddess fantasy girl, down load the Mona Lisa instead you can stare at her for hours an I can guarantee she wont go H/C in your lifetime:eek:

Enjoy the vids little Priya has gone H/C an I hope she stays in the biz for many many years an makes 1000's of movies.

I kinda agree to what you are saying (Actually I agree with a lot)....but come on....a seat belt wrapped around her throat?? What the fuck is that shit?? Seriously.
I mean, I've been wishing and praying she'd take cock and go hardcore. I want to see her face covered in jizz. I want some hardcore action, not this stupid ass shit.

But I mean, I kinda do feel where D-rock is coming from. I hate it when I see my favorite porn stars being degraded. It's not sexy to me. But I am buying it, cause I think the rest of it is hot!
I think the seat belt around the throat is degrading, like I said before I'm not into that sort of thing, I can't think why he would do that the guy should be choked himself see how he like it.
Well, I watched the entire scene from Brazzers and it was fucking hot as hell. Priya looked gorgeous, as always, and I think it's pretty obvious that Priya really likes sex. I mean, she did that scene like she's been at this for years. She even took some of the money shot in her mouth at the end. She didn't swallow, but it was still a shock to see that.

As far as what her motivations are for doing hardcore, I don't know. I think she's been planning on doing this for a while. Maybe she just really likes to fuck and figured why not get paid for it. After watching that Brazzers scene, it looks to me like she's been around the block more than a few times. I never figured she was an angel anyway. Strippers and nudie model usually aren't. But that's totally fine with me, because there's nothing wrong with a slutty chick. Especially not when she looks like Priya.

I could have done without the hardcore stuff and still been just as happy. However, seeing her do hardcore does take away some of the allure that she held for me. Sometimes less is more. But I'm not complaining. I think Priya is gonna be big. After she gets a few more scenes under her belt and becomes an ever better performer, watch out. Priya's gonna be big time.

So, does anyone here really think the seat belt around her throat is sexy as she rides him? I mean, what would compel him to do that?

No, I don't think it's sexy at all. As far as what would compel him to do that, he's a dumbass. What do you expect from a dumbass? Hopefully she never does a scene with him again.
The Brazzers full scene is out, she asks to have her ass slapped an her hair pulled. She likes it a little rough you can tell. As for the seatbelt until you see the full seen an the accompanying action how can you possibly make a judgement. Its not like there maxhardcore an making her puke or pissing in her mouth, until somone here brought it up I never even noticed the seatbelt it went by so fast. Its probably no more real than the bangbus guys fucking a chick an the tossing them an leaving them out in the middle of no mans land with no money. I reserve judgement until I actually see the seen.

Dont be like those antiporn people who still think Playboy is the evil empire an they haven't seen a single issue.
The Brazzers full scene is out, she asks to have her ass slapped an her hair pulled. She likes it a little rough you can tell.

She definitely likes it a little rough. As long as she doesn't get too rough in her scenes, I'll be happy. Does she have a dirty mouth on her or what? You gotta love a hot ass woman with a dirty mouth. It's kinda sexy. :D