id post the whole set if i can, but im afraid the link has the words "rapid" and "share" in it

Yeah, it would be silly of you to do that, seeing as that's not what FreeOnes is all about.
Plus, this thread is populated with true fans of Priya. People who actually support her by buying her photo clubs....even though the Foxes sites are rip offs!
But don't get me started on that!
She's never looked bad but I don't like the shorter hair as well. Maybe it’s because she just seem to have great long hair that flows well.

She does look very slightly leaner in those three pictures, but I think I like her better the way she's built now, which is a little unusual for me. On her stats at that modeling agency site she is a couple pounds heavier than what she stated on her website, but I think a good portion of that probably comes in the boobie department now. ;)

Short hair or long hair, it doesn't matter to me. I'd take Priya any way I could get her. Yeah, you can tell that she used to be leaner. I love the way she looks now though, with the couple extra pounds on her. That just means there's more of her to love. :thumbsup:
I think someone should contact Justice Young on myspace about Priya he seems the type who would love to brag about that sort of thing.
Oh yeah! I even own the stockings she wore in the "Dirty Dancing" video she did with them, autographed by Jada Liu (long story), from one of them LOS giveaways.

I'd consider myself an extremely big admirer of Priya. She is without a doubt the sexiest, most beautiful woman I've ever laid my eyes on. But damn, Christmas_Ape. You definitely take the cake. As much as I love Priya, buying a pair of stockings that she wore is something I'd never do. To me that would be taking my admiration of her to a level that I really don't want to go to. I feel like I obsess about her way too much as it is.

If there was a Priya Rai Fan Club, you'd definitely be the Grand Poobah! :hatsoff:
Makes sense to me, no?

It's perfectly logical. It's Karma giving you a present for dissing you all the other birthday's you had.

I wouldn't worry about Priya's hair. She has a tendency to change her hairstyle a little all the time. She must have gone through ten of them the past few years, although I like the long dark look myself. The recent photos with a little waviness even give her a certain something I can't quite put my mind on.
I'd consider myself an extremely big admirer of Priya. She is without a doubt the sexiest, most beautiful woman I've ever laid my eyes on. But damn, Christmas_Ape. You definitely take the cake. As much as I love Priya, buying a pair of stockings that she wore is something I'd never do. To me that would be taking my admiration of her to a level that I really don't want to go to. I feel like I obsess about her way too much as it is.

If there was a Priya Rai Fan Club, you'd definitely be the Grand Poobah! :hatsoff:

Well those particular stockings from that video, I won, at one of the chats on LOS. And they give stuff away a lot at.

And you know, it's kinda weird, cause I never bought any other models collectibles, but when she was on, I couldn't resist. I mean, it's Priya Rai! The first thing I got were those candy panties and white stockings she wore in an early photo club. I gotta say, that being a fan like I am, it's cool having collectibles from the shoots. But I'm just a collector at heart. Plus, on her splash page from her old site, she was wearing them. I gotta say that it was pretty cool logging on to her site, and thinking to myself, "I own those!"
But the coolest thing, was getting to know Priya a little through emails. And I always try to keep my admiration for her in check. I mean, yeah, I didn't and don't, want to be to obsessive. LOL That's why I didn't buy every item she had on babeway. I let someone else win one thing. LOL She understood me being all ga-ga over her. She's knows she's hot.
And you know, it's kinda weird, cause I never bought any other models collectibles, but when she was on, I couldn't resist. I mean, it's Priya Rai!

But the coolest thing, was getting to know Priya a little through emails. And I always try to keep my admiration for her in check. I mean, yeah, I didn't and don't, want to be to obsessive. LOL That's why I didn't buy every item she had on babeway. I let someone else win one thing. LOL She understood me being all ga-ga over her. She's knows she's hot.

I know what you mean. I would always get a little thing for a model here and there, but it would never last long. Then when I found Priya, that all changed. It's going on three years now that I've been hooked on Priya. I thought it would go away after a little while, but I'm still hooked.

I had a chance to talk to Priya a few times through e-mails. And after talking to her and seeing how sweet she was, that made my admiration for her grow even more.
I know what you mean. I would always get a little thing for a model here and there, but it would never last long. Then when I found Priya, that all changed. It's going on three years now that I've been hooked on Priya. I thought it would go away after a little while, but I'm still hooked.

I had a chance to talk to Priya a few times through e-mails. And after talking to her and seeing how sweet she was, that made my admiration for her grow even more.

I was pretty ga-ga over Lucia Tovar too. I never bought any of her stuff on babeway though. Her stuff was always expensive. It was that Priya put her stuff up a reasonable price.

Yeah kinda sucks that's there's no fan interaction with her now-a-days.
We could really avoid all these speculations about her video and whatnot.
I don't know about buying an article of clothing from a model. I wouldn't want people to wonder why I have stockings hung up on the wall. I guess if in the future if I found and had a relationship with a women that I really care about and I thought they might look good on her I could buy it for that reason....

...but then why would I ever need to buy Priya her own stuff back for her. ;)
I don't know about buying an article of clothing from a model. I wouldn't want people to wonder why I have stockings hung up on the wall. I guess if in the future if I found and had a relationship with a women that I really care about and I thought they might look good on her I could buy it for that reason....

Well, one reason for me to justify my purchases, was, I have a dream to own a sports bar one of these days. I'd love to fill the walls with the standard sports memorabilia. But I think it would also be cool to have like, panties from hot ass models, all framed right next to like an autographed jersey. That's why I asked her to autograph the things.
Plus, you know, I believed Priya was going to be HUGE on the glamor model scene. I kinda saw it as a glamor model collectible investment.
Plus, you know, I believed Priya was going to be HUGE on the glamor model scene. I kinda saw it as a glamor model collectible investment.

I know what you’re talking about. I was always surprised that Priya didn't become bigger sooner, and if she doesn't become huge it will be a shame. She's a once in a lifetime beauty if that, maybe once ever. Not only did she hit the genetic lottery she just instinctively knows how to work it. You can tell in her poses and they way she works the camera. Also she seems to like it in her pictures. Either that or she fakes it really really well. I don't worry though. Just like the Force, I can feel The Power of Priya starting to increase around us. If she keeps going slowly her followers will grow. Plus I guess there was another good thing about buying her stuff. You got to help her out in some way, and that was good.
I know what you’re talking about. I was always surprised that Priya didn't become bigger sooner, and if she doesn't become huge it will be a shame. She's a once in a lifetime beauty if that, maybe once ever. Not only did she hit the genetic lottery she just instinctively knows how to work it. You can tell in her poses and they way she works the camera. Also she seems to like it in her pictures. Either that or she fakes it really really well. I don't worry though. Just like the Force, I can feel The Power of Priya starting to increase around us. If she keeps going slowly her followers will grow. Plus I guess there was another good thing about buying her stuff. You got to help her out in some way, and that was good.

Yeah, exactly, when she smiled, you felt it. She really sold what she was selling with her poses.
And yeah, I did like being a supportive fan by buying her things.