You say plenty of "spreading"....and it's softcore. Am I alone to think that pussy lip spread, is in fact, hardcore? And where can I subscribe or view this "spread" pics you talk about?

I don't know if you're alone in thinking that. But to me hardcore is girl/girl or boy/girl where there is penetration, fellatio or cunnilungus.

And as far as viewing the pics, try her website maybe? :dunno: Just a thought. Or if you're too cheap to buy the stuff on her website, you could do a little bit of searching and maybe find them for free on another forum somewhere. Just another thought.
You say plenty of "spreading"....and it's softcore. Am I alone to think that pussy lip spread, is in fact, hardcore? And where can I subscribe or view this "spread" pics you talk about?

Any input Christmas Ape?

Well, I consider hardcore to be boy/girl penetration. I don't really consider oral sex, hardcore. Spreading pussy me, is showing pink, or explicit nudity. Definitely not hardcore. And to view her pics, you gotta sign up to her site. It's not a real "subscription" it's a one time free for the photo club you buy. One time fee per photo club.
Did she graduate from, IIRC - Arizona State University (?) . . . And moved on . . .? . . what's the guess ?

I noticed that she'd stated that she "might have to do something else . . " :(

I would guess it's one of two things. Either it was just put up there to add some filler and it was sort of made up like a lot of models will do sometimes or it's due to the fact that from things I have heard about her throughout the years that Priya can be kind of fickle with some things. If I had to guess I would go with the later and say she might have thought about that as true one time. Or maybe she really did graduate from that place. Without asking her there is no way to know for sure.

Yeah, as you know I tried to quit Pirya.....but I just couldn't do it. The power of Priya compels! She's got a spell on us!

I think you're going to love the photo club though. I think it is among her best. It's just filled with great shots, and the outfit is just perfect!

I seriously thought about quitting also recently. She kind of did something to a friend that I wasn't really happy with and who was also a huge long time Priya fan. I just finally decided to stick to her because that wasn't the person I remember and I think that person is still out there. Or at least I will remember the best in any case. Plus I just have a feeling there is a good chance she is going through a lot right now.

It was a great photo club. I do like the outfit. I'm not a huge crotchless pantyhose fan or anything but Priya makes them work. She does a lot of the standard and wacky poses that I love. She knows how to mix it up. Priya really goes at it with those naughty shots in there. She's been increasing them for the past few photosets. My only complaint is that she had on a little too much makeup in this one. She doesn’t need it too look good, but I think they were just going for that look in the photoset. I think I have gotten used to her new boobies. I think they are nice, and I shouldn't have doubted her on them when I first heard threw the grapevine she had them done. In some photos she even makes good use of them by the way she angles herself or holds them. I still like the different facial expressions she likes to throw out there. I always have, and probably always will. She has some she likes to do all the time. In fact she has done them enough I have named a couple over the years. Like #34 would be the "Pondering Priya" pose where she has a singe finger touching her face and she is looking away. The "Have Fanny Will Show" set at #19 has a "Pondering Priya" pose I put in one of my past signatures because I liked it so much. She definitely knows how to work the facial expressions and the poses, but she also knows how to add some spontaneous ones in there also. I think she has most models beat because a lot of the other ones just have the same basic face for the whole set. I wonder if she does them because she knows what a lot of us like. Priya probably does have a knack for what men like, or at least for what I like it must seem lol. In some ways Priya really knows what she is doing, at least on camera. I don't know if she practices or is just a natural or what. Another thing I like, and I don't know if it's really true or not but I hope so is the fact that she always seems to be having fun in her photos. A gloomy or stoic Priya just wouldn't look as good. I haven't seen any video yet to know how good she is on it.

Again there were a lot of great photos but if I had to pick my favorite it would be # 65 just because if I were to walk home after a hard days work all tired and opened the door and saw my significant other like that it would be one of the greatest experiences I could get at that moment. It also kind of makes you want to go up and cuddle with her. I also like # 56 and #53 for similar reasons.

I also wonder how many photosets she has left with Foxes. I have a feeling she may be moving on. Foxes isn't quite what it used to be two years ago, but still I will miss her photosets from them. In fact I hope she doesn’t quit with the still photos. She has always been great in them and I don’t think I could love the videos in the same detail I love her photos, although I will still really love them because they have Priya in them. Not to mention I don’t think I would be as comfortable reviewing some of the things in them like I did above especially if it’s hardcore.
^ Yes, I am glad you mentioned #65! I fell in love that with pic too. That was for sure my favorite. #23 is pure seduction. #39 was a great, "fun Priya" pose.
I just can't get over how great her boobs look after boob job.
I just so loved that outfit. I'm a fool for women in stockings, or just when they dress up their legs. Those pantyhose were the perfect fit. I really think this might be her best on her new site.
And I'm glad she's getting better at the naughty pussy spread shots too.

And you know it serves no use, what-so-ever, to wonder how many photo clubs foxes has. Now that is crazy talk. :rolleyes:

And dude, problem is, you don't get the videos. So saying don't think you could love them as much as the pics, well that's not really fair. I feel for ya, cause I too used to be stuck with crappy internet access, but the videos are incredible.
Some pics of Priya on from a photo club that was never released.


I also remember from a long time ago a little before she left LOS a photo of her that was just part of one of their website pages a long time ago. It wasn't too big, but she was wearing a blue outfit in it and she had on big black leather bracelets. It looked like she was cupping her breast while leaning towards you. I always wonder if there was a missing set of her with that outfit out there somewhere and it's kind of drove me crazy when I thought about potentially not ever seeing it.
Word on the street was that there was a g/g shoot she did for Foxes/LOS and it was deemed too intense so they never released it... holy schnikes if that is ever released!! :bowdown:

damn, us newbs are coming out of the woodworks for Ms. Rai!
Word on the street was that there was a g/g shoot she did for Foxes/LOS and it was deemed too intense so they never released it... holy schnikes if that is ever released!! :bowdown:

Well, it's not a rumor, it did happen. But there is a rumor that wasn't too risque. It was shot early in their careers, so it wasn't very explicit. Plus, Priya has told me before that she's not into girls. It wasn't released cause gay old Foxes got scared of "sexual" content, when that 2257 Compliance thingy came out. They took down all g/g photo clubs on their sites.
I've never seen it, I'd love to, but I don't think it's going to happen.
Well, it's not a rumor, it did happen. But there is a rumor that wasn't too risque. It was shot early in their careers, so it wasn't very explicit. Plus, Priya has told me before that she's not into girls. It wasn't released cause gay old Foxes got scared of "sexual" content, when that 2257 Compliance thingy came out. They took down all g/g photo clubs on their sites.
I've never seen it, I'd love to, but I don't think it's going to happen.

I never got that. They had all the records they needed plus they didn't want to even do non-explicit sets with more than one woman. It's a shame because a Priya/Jada set or a Priya/Lucia set would have been great.
I never got that. They had all the records they needed plus they didn't want to even do non-explicit sets with more than one woman. It's a shame because a Priya/Jada set or a Priya/Lucia set would have been great.

Yeah, a lot of the smaller companies really got scared when that 2257 ordinance came out.
I always liked the g/g stuff that was available before the scare. Like from Lyzette, or the other sites. They were never really explicit, but they did wonders for the imagination! Yeah a Jada/Priya nowadays would be sooo hot, now that they are more comfortable in front of the camera.
Too bad it wont happen.
Yeah, a lot of the smaller companies really got scared when that 2257 ordinance came out.
I always liked the g/g stuff that was available before the scare. Like from Lyzette, or the other sites. They were never really explicit, but they did wonders for the imagination! Yeah a Jada/Priya nowadays would be sooo hot, now that they are more comfortable in front of the camera.
Too bad it wont happen.

I would be happy just to settle with a relatively non-explicit Priya/Candice set at this point although I don't know how well their on camera personalities would match up however.
Do y'all know what happened with Jada and Priya? Back when Priya's website was run by LOS, she had something on there about how Jada was her little "cousin" and they alluded to the fact that they maybe grew up together. Apparently they were/are really good friends. It seems like neither Priya nor Jada ever mention each other anymore. Did they have some kind of falling out or am I just talkin out of my ass?
I would be happy just to settle with a relatively non-explicit Priya/Candice set at this point although I don't know how well their on camera personalities would match up however.

Oh yeah that would rock! It wouldn't have to be too explicit to be hot. Just having any of those hot babes together in the frame, would be the stuff that dreams are made of!
I would be happy just to settle with a relatively non-explicit Priya/Candice set at this point although I don't know how well their on camera personalities would match up however.

I don't think that would be a good match up at all. Candice is hot, but she bores the hell out of me. Priya definitely has better presence in front of the camera than Candice.
It seems like neither Priya nor Jada ever mention each other anymore. Did they have some kind of falling out or am I just talkin out of my ass?

Na, you can still see it mentioned from time to time, like on the LOS or AA site. No need for Priya to mention it. AA can talk about it still, since they have Priya and Jada content...well, no Priya content on the site yet, besides the samples.
I don't think that would be a good match up at all. Candice is hot, but she bores the hell out of me. Priya definitely has better presence in front of the camera than Candice.

I don't know of many people that could compete with Priya. She well above everybody else IMO, but I do extremely like Candice. She has the greatest smile ever and looks like a sweetheart, and I think she's getting better. She just has her own style that I like also. I wouldn't like it if everybody was the same.
I don't know of many people that could compete with Priya. She well above everybody else IMO, but I do extremely like Candice. She has the greatest smile ever and looks like a sweetheart, and I think she's getting better. She just has her own style that I like also. I wouldn't like it if everybody was the same.

I actually want to see a g/g shoot with Priya and Sunny Cruz!
I just finally decided to stick to her because that wasn't the person I remember and I think that person is still out there. Or at least I will remember the best in any case. Plus I just have a feeling there is a good chance she is going through a lot right now.

I also wonder how many photosets she has left with Foxes. I have a feeling she may be moving on. Foxes isn't quite what it used to be two years ago, but still I will miss her photosets from them. In fact I hope she doesn’t quit with the still photos.

You're speculating way too much D-rock.