Prime Time Teasers Playoffs


Light one for Me


Staff member
what a matchup, very tough between Dana, Emma, Hopefully Giddish and Margot

but ultimately, I choose Margot
2020 Prime Time Teasers Playoffs
Soft Tease Division
Round 1
Match 2



"Hopelessly Giddish"

"Vintage Tub"


Which photo do you like best overall?

Poll Duration: 48 hours

1st Tiebreaker: winner determined by votes cast by the committe's "Superjudges"
2nd Tiebreaker: winner determined by first 9 votes received
3rd Tiebreaker: winner determined by first pic to reach 3 votes

Prime Time Teasers.... celebrating and elevating the art of erotic tease photography! ii

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^ Your pics this round! The above match consists entirely of photos provided by fellow panel judges [excluding myself].
Special thanks to Freq3, Luxman, Supafly, and DuanCulo for providing the pics! :thumbsup:
Giddy - appears to be more of a candid photo of someone’s girlfriend
Vintage - artistic but I find the “glow” around the hair distracting
Dana - a nice photo of a pretty girl, but not reaching to the objective of this process the above are out

Margot - stunning, and I get the concept if the soft fade, but I want to clearly see the models form, and the sun placement adds to the fuzziness.

Which leaves my Choice - Emma. Clear, well posed, professional, and a great expression to go with a perfect bod

Giddy - appears to be more of a candid photo of someone’s girlfriend
Vintage - artistic but I find the “glow” around the hair distracting
Dana - a nice photo of a pretty girl, but not reaching to the objective of this process the above are out

Margot - stunning, and I get the concept if the soft fade, but I want to clearly see the models form, and the sun placement adds to the fuzziness.

Which leaves my Choice - Emma. Clear, well posed, professional, and a great expression to go with a perfect bod


I agree with your comments.

"Emma" gets my vote too :angel1:

Even though the photo is not perfect because the legs are cut out in this photo. It had been better to see the full body in the photo.
I was searching for a wallpaper photo version showing the full body but obviously it does not exist. If someone still finds it, please post it


Margot for me.
Considered "Emma" as well, but see 2 strikes... legs cut off and her upper lip seems to have a somewhat unnatural appearance.


Expect Nothing and Appreciate Everything
My vote is for Margot as I feel this is the most natural photo of the bunch and has probably used the least effects afterwards to touch the picture up. You can also see pretty much the whole of the model as well, which is good. They could have kept her elbow and hand in and maybe not pot the logo in the way, but this is the only criticism really.

Emma - 6
Margot - 6
Dana - 1
Vintage Tub - 1
Hopelessly Giddish - 0

Time remaining in match (as of this post):ii 24 hrs. :hourglass:


Love & Basketball

"Vintage Tub"


I will take these 3 beautiful ladies. :cool: I will go with "Vintage Tub".
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