Prime Time Teasers Playoffs


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
My vote goes to "Paradise Beach"

Of course, I could have voted for "Antique Chair", but a major illogical feature disturbs me:

If she sits backwards on the chair, her legs throiugh the two openings - how did she manage to slide down her panties? That is impossible!!!
My vote goes to "Paradise Beach"

Of course, I could have voted for "Antique Chair", but a major illogical feature disturbs me:

If she sits backwards on the chair, her legs throiugh the two openings - how did she manage to slide down her panties? That is impossible!!!

What an astute observation, Supafly :thumbsup:
A hot looking image, but as you point out completely inconceivable. :(
That being said, I don't consider it to be a deal breaker, as practically all quality nudes, to some degree, are contrived.
Ariane can help me Beat the Heat anytime! ;-) Close seconds for me were deafening silence and paradise beach.


Light one for Me
Paradise Beach is the most impressive 'pictures by far.

Some hot contenders though:)
2019 Prime Time Teasers Playoffs
Soft Tease Division
Round 2
Match 3

"Beat the Heat"

"Scanty Panty"

"Antique Chair"

"Deafening Silence"

"Paradise Beach"

Which photo do you like best overall?

Poll Duration: 48 hours

1st Tiebreaker: winner determined by votes cast by the "Superjudges"
2nd Tiebreaker: winner determined by first 9 votes received
3rd Tiebreaker: winner determined by first pic to reach 3 votes

Prime Time Teasers.... celebrating the art of tease photography! ii

Deafening Silence is most definitely my choice to advance to Round 3, with Antique Chair a close second.
Love the expansive view, including naturally-occurring "sky art"(i.e., cloud formations), the 3 bodies of of water, and the beautifully featured nude body of a gorgeous model - so much to see in this shot!
The picture also has the effect [imo] of exuding a certain level of tranquility and calmness that I find both visually appealing and relaxing.



FreeOnes Lifetime Member
Toss up between Scanty Panties and Paradise Beach. Final vote to Paradise Beach.

Not impossible :) ...

My vote goes to "Paradise Beach"

Of course, I could have voted for "Antique Chair", but a major illogical feature disturbs me:

If she sits backwards on the chair, her legs throiugh the two openings - how did she manage to slide down her panties? That is impossible!!!

She took her panties off. She threw them to the ground close to the chair. She put her legs in backwards through the openings. Then the photographer said, "Hey, stick your foot into one side of your panties." She did. He said, "Good. Now while you're at it stick your other foot into the other side of your panties." Ta-da .. both feet inside her panties. ;)

(But technically she did not slide down her panties either.)


Staff member
"Antique Chair"

Antique Chair - 5
Paradise Beach - 4
Beat the Heat - 1
Scanty Panty - 1
Deafening Silence - 1

Time remaining in match (as of this post):ii12 hrs. :hourglass:
Why so many for antique chair? TOO skinny - which means those tits are obviously man-made, too..

To answer your question - model is very cute (love the pigtails), plus she delivers a unique and sexy pose.
Also, just 'cause she's on the thin side, doesn't necessarily mean that her boobs aren't real. I've seen plenty of skinny girls with big, natural tits. ;)

Actually, I think the better question is, other than myself, why Deafening Silence has receive zero support from the panel. :dunno: :confused:

But that's part of what makes these photo contests so interesting... we each have our own individual perspective when it comes to what we visually perceive to be sexual appealing.
For as long as I've been doing these tournaments (just celebrated 10 years this past August), I still find it difficult to successfully predict the winner of matches. But that's exactly the reason why I remain captivated and thus motivated to continue these threads! ;)

As I said in my voting post: I also liked Deafening Silence, just not as much as the one that I voted for.
My vote goes to "Paradise Beach"

Of course, I could have voted for "Antique Chair", but a major illogical feature disturbs me:

If she sits backwards on the chair, her legs throiugh the two openings - how did she manage to slide down her panties? That is impossible!!!

A very astute observation, Supa :hatsoff:
But frankly I don't care that much how they got there, I still like the final visual effect and will give Antique Chair the vote.