2022 World-Class Teasers Playoffs Hard Tease Division Finals!
Domestic Goddess
Show of Good Faith
Which photo do you like better overall?
Poll Duration:48 hours
1st Tiebreaker: winner determined by votes cast by panel's "Superjudges" 2nd Tiebreaker: winner determined by first pic to receive 3 votes
WCN , WCT, and I-KON Novel photo tournaments, together, serving as the quintessential "awards academy" to honor the greatest nudes in the history of sexually artistic photography!
I suppose "Faith" god that hand tattoo because the outside of her hands weren't as smooth anymore, sadly a strategy chosen by others, too. That's a stupid one. Dealbreaker, in my eyes.
Congratulations to Iris Shala (our first model from the country of Kosovo) and German lensmaster Max-Elmar Wischmeyer on their collaboration, title victory, and
induction into the ANSEPA* World-Class Teasers Hall of Fame! 🏛️
* Academy for Nude, Sexy, or Erotic Photographic Arts