Prime Time Teasers Playoffs

2020 Prime Time Teasers Playoffs
Hard Tease Division
Round 1

Match 14

Julia Zubova

Sparkling Shores

Sacred Land

Vitamin DD

Remote Photoshoot

Which photo do you like best overall?

Poll Duration: 48 hours

1st Tiebreaker: winner determined by votes cast by panel's "Superjudges"
2nd Tiebreaker: winner determined by first 9 votes received
3rd Tiebreaker: winner determined by first pic to reach 3 votes

Prime Time Teasers.... celebrating the art of erotic tease photography!


For the EMPEROR!!
Hmm some really good pics there, ... going to go with Sparkling Shores though, thanks.


Staff member
top notch matchup

Vitamin DD


  • dverzemavitaminddptt0ctjvv[1].jpg
    41.6 KB · Views: 91


Vitamin DD


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I am a fool for beautiful women, that are either wet or oiled up.

So both "Sparkling Shores" and "Vitamin DD" appeal to me.

In the end, "Sparkling Shores" win me, because I find the colours richer, and the frontal pose better


Light one for Me
Beautiful pics ad usual - Sparkling Shores for me.
in descending order of elimination
Sparkling Shores - troublesome hair and shadows
sacred Land - stunning but too much background as model is little too much lost
julia Zuboba - coverup mars a really pristine photo and sexy expression

and then torn between remaining two. I choose Remote photo shoot for the lean tan body presented and the framing.


Vitamin DD - 6
Sparkling Shores - 5
Julia Zubova - 2
Remote Photoshoot - 1
Sacred Land - 0

Time remaining in match (as of this post): 23 hours
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Expect Nothing and Appreciate Everything
Interesting match....just been looking back at previous rounds and looks like generally there are only up to 15 members on FO who place a vote on these threads...we are up to 14 votes so far in this round, so it could be all over already unless some new to this thread pipes up and votes.

We need to rally more voters for the WCN party! 😁
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Interesting match....just been looking back at previous rounds and looks like generally there are only up to 15 members on FO who place a vote on these threads...we are up to 14 votes so far in this round, so it could be all over already unless some new to this thread pipes up and votes.

We need to rally more voters for the WCN party! 😁

Yeah, it would be nice to expand the panel. But in reality the panel size, no matter how big or how small, will always be just right. Why?
Members who care enough to vote, will vote. Those who don't, won't.
High-stakes threads such as this work best when votes are cast by motivated/enthused, discerning judges who fully appreciate nude and/or sexually
provocative photography as an art form.
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2020 Prime Time Teasers Playoffs
Hard Tease Division
Round 1

Match 14

Julia Zubova

Sparkling Shores

Sacred Land

Vitamin DD

Remote Photoshoot

Which photo do you like best overall?

Poll Duration: 48 hours

1st Tiebreaker: winner determined by votes cast by panel's "Superjudges"
2nd Tiebreaker: winner determined by first 9 votes received
3rd Tiebreaker: winner determined by first pic to reach 3 votes

Prime Time Teasers.... celebrating the art of erotic tease photography!
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Reactions: sj1