Pressure before sex???

Anyone out there ever encounter that awkward moment before you have sex with a girl that builds up that uncomfortable pressure? Maybe you forgot to shave or shower before a one night stand. Or you realize at the last second you don't have a condom. Or even that brief uncomfortable getting undressed moment while she watches you out of the corner of her eye with all her different expectations. Im sure we all have at least a time or two.

My piece would be a girl I met at a bar who I wound up with later that night. However before that she decided to bring up her X saying that she dated a black guy who was 13 inches. Then asked me how big I was. Now Im confident in my size, but damn! Im thinkin who did you date, Lex Steele! Im quite sure this was a classic bs story, but still, It puts an unusual pressure on you come time to drop the pants know what I mean? Anyone have any similar situations and how you handled it?


Being huge is overrated and a burden. I often trip over my penis when exiting the shower and land face first.

Huge black wangs are a curse!!
Anyone out there ever encounter that awkward moment before you have sex with a girl that builds up that uncomfortable pressure? Maybe you forgot to shave or shower before a one night stand. Or you realize at the last second you don't have a condom. Or even that brief uncomfortable getting undressed moment while she watches you out of the corner of her eye with all her different expectations. Im sure we all have at least a time or two.

My piece would be a girl I met at a bar who I wound up with later that night. However before that she decided to bring up her X saying that she dated a black guy who was 13 inches. Then asked me how big I was. Now Im confident in my size, but damn! Im thinkin who did you date, Lex Steele! Im quite sure this was a classic bs story, but still, It puts an unusual pressure on you come time to drop the pants know what I mean? Anyone have any similar situations and how you handled it?

I had one girl I was dating and the night we had sex the first time, we were both drinking. She told me that if she got drunk enough, she might ask me to fuck her in the ass, or cum in her mouth - but that it was just the alcohol talking and that she really only wanted it in her pussy.

Well several hours later, we were back in her bed, both wasted, been fucking for a little while, when she told me to put it in her ass. I'm not one to want to disappoint a lady.

So...pressure? No. Other shit? Yeah. Not sure what's up with watching someone undress - clothes come off in the middle of the process as far as I've ever known.


It's been so long, I don't remember.
Well, at least it's l-o-n-g 8=======D


Nothing major before sex, of course whenever I've bedded down with a pick up chick it's been in the evening and the lights inside my place of residence will be dimmed for sure! even if it's a real item that I bring home (I can count on one hand how many times that's been though :o :()
Dimmed lights just seem to go better with the occasion, ya know?
I've always been good with woman, but at the same time shyness has always been a curse to me. So yes I do get nervous energy before sex for the first time.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
It amuses me when a girl that I am interested starts saying that and then I get all antsy and ask, "so when do I get to drop my golf pencil, down your mine shaft"
we all now the dos equis guy has never had that awkward moment....
Drugs my friend, lots of drugs.

Then, when she has passed out and you've explained to her friends that it's better for you to take her home in your car for some reason (and they've bought it) the pressure on you both will be diminished, almost completely. ;)
A couple of tips that work for...a friend of mine. Yeah.

Keep a hard-boiled egg in your shorts. She'll be so distracted by it, she won't notice how tiny your dick is.

If you're worried about no shower/smell, wait until the moment she has her underpants off. Then say something like, "Good God you're rank." From that point on she'll believe the "crotch-bouquet" in the room is her own. She'll work extra hard to please.

Finally, always tell her you've had a vasectomy. I mean, you're never going to see her again, right? So whatever.


The only pressure I feel is the pressure in my trousers just before it occurs

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
You know when you wake up next to a girl and you don't remember her name or whether you've ever seen her before. Furthermore, you can't figure out why you're naked and are also unsure of what sexual acts You Might have engaged in. Yeah, that's pretty awkward...
Anyone out there ever encounter that awkward moment before you have sex with a girl that builds up that uncomfortable pressure? Maybe you forgot to shave or shower before a one night stand. Or you realize at the last second you don't have a condom.

My piece would be a girl I met at a bar who I wound up with later that night. However before that she decided to bring up her X saying that she dated a black guy who was 13 inches. Then asked me how big I was. Now Im confident in my size, but damn! Im thinkin who did you date, Lex Steele! Im quite sure this was a classic bs story, but still, It puts an unusual pressure on you come time to drop the pants know what I mean? Anyone have any similar situations and how you handled it?

She's certainly a braggart, but hey, I definately wouldn't fret over not having a condom handy with this girl. If that ever transpires, just grab a nearby garbage bag (preferably with some rubbish in it) and use that instead.

Now if she starts giving you shit because you grabbed one of those kitchen tidy bags, instead of a larger black outside bag, it may be a good idea to tie a rope around your waist.