Presidents that crammed the Bible and God down our throats

He rarely attended church and considered himself a deist in his adulthood, a great # of the founders did

And still they unapologetically professed their faith in God, and the Bible. The very things that modern candidates for office do and were still able to separate their faith from how they governed.
And still they unapologetically professed their faith in God, and the Bible. The very things that modern candidates for office do and were still able to separate their faith from how they governed.

Yep. And here's to them for having that capacity.
However, with the rise of contemporary evangelical candidates the line that rightfully separates church and state is getting blurry.

Rick Santorum, for instance, expressed being physically sickened by JFK's stance that "the separation of church and state is absolute"

According to Santorum, Kennedy "was trying to tell people of faith that you will do what the government says, we are going to impose our values on you" and that what Kennedy expressed meant "people of faith have no role in the public square."

This of course is complete nonsense (in fact Kennedy was addressing widespread concern and fear about his Catholicism). But in the hysteria-driven, constantly-under-attack world of many conservatives it has actually gained a lot of traction.

A Public Policy Polling national survey conducted between February 20th and February 22nd [2015] of Republican voters found that 57 percent of Republicans want to establish Christianity as the official national religion. Only 30 percent oppose making Christianity the national religion.

...among those favoring former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee in the Republican primary, 94 percent would support such a measure. Eighty-three percent of Rick Perry fans replied that they would prefer Christianity be made our national religion.
I am not supporting Huckabee or Santorum. Their candidacies are strictly to kiss the ring of evangelicals. The other candidate that gets that label is Cruz, however his platform is more from the adherence to constitutional principles than it is religion. Has he made comments that appeal to evangelicals? Of course. But I am not going to condemn or eliminate from consideration people that I agree with more than I disagree with when my only other option is to support a candidate from a party that I may agree with 10 percent of the time.


Closed Account
Well without getting into his interpretation, it is clear that if any candidate today said what Washington said that I quoted in my initial post, they would be ridiculed to no end by the left.

Obviously, since it's a fake quote.

"Washington is known to have made some official statements of public piety, but this is not one of them. Though this assertion is very widely reported to have been said in Washington's Farewell Address (17 September 1796), this is not actually the case, as any search of the documents would reveal. It has also been presented as having been part of his Proclamation on 1795-JAN-01 of 1795-FEB-19 as a day of national Thanksgiving in this form:

"It is in an especial manner our duty as a people, with devout reverence and affectionate gratitude, to acknowledge our many and great obligations to Almighty God, and to implore Him to continue and confirm the blessings we experienced. It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible. It is impossible to account for the creation of the universe, without the agency of a Supreme Being. It is impossible to govern the universe without the aid of a Supreme Being. It is impossible to reason without arriving at a Supreme Being. Religion is as necessary to reason, as reason is to religion. The one cannot exist without the other. A reasoning being would lose his reason, in attempting to account for the great phenomena of nature, had he not a Supreme Being to refer to."

In the above paragraph the italicized portion appears to be entirely bogus, and there is no actual record of such a statement ever having been made by Washington. The first sentence is an almost accurate rendition of one from Washington's official proclamation, being a portion of this segment:

"In such a state of things it is in an especial manner our duty as a people, with devout reverence and affectionate gratitude, to acknowledge our many and great obligations to Almighty God and to implore Him to continue and confirm the blessings we experience.
 Deeply penetrated with this sentiment, I, George Washington, President of the United States, do recommend to all religious societies and denominations, and to all persons whomsoever, within the United States to set apart and observe Thursday, the 19th day of February next as a day of public thanksgiving and prayer, and on that day to meet together and render their sincere and hearty thanks to the Great Ruler of Nations for the manifold and signal mercies which distinguish our lot as a nation..."

It is to be noted that there is genuine piety expressed in this statement, but it is not of any sectarian kind, Christian or otherwise.
Obviously, since it's a fake quote.

You had better come up with a better source to dispute what he said than some website that cites wikipedia as it's source.

And even if that is true, which is doubtful because it has been referenced many many times and quoted by historians, it still doesn't discredit the other presidents that made similar statements.

Just another Euro atheist trying to deny that our country was founded by men that had a profound belief in a supreme being.

And that is a fact that you will never be able to twist rewrite or change.
Upon further investigation, it seems that the exact quote could have been paraphrased from James Kirke Paulding's account which was:
"It is impossible to account for the creation of the universe without the agency of a Supreme Being. It is impossible to govern the universe without the aid of a Supreme Being."
And it still hasn't been proven that he didn't offer it as I initially quoted.

So to call the quote fake was a bit of over eagerness on your part, don't you think? George believed in the invisible man, bless your little atheist heart.
Thomas Jefferson was known to be an atheist. Don't know if it's true but that's the rumor.

No matter what they believed back then it doesn't mean shit today. Men used religion to try to answer things that their lack of science could not. Now we have science that has proven much of the claims of religion. You can keep grasping like a desperate teenage boy after a pantie girdle but in the grand scheme its just pathetic and hopeless.
Thomas Jefferson was known to be an atheist. Don't know if it's true but that's the rumor.

No matter what they believed back then it doesn't mean shit today. Men used religion to try to answer things that their lack of science could not. Now we have science that has proven much of the claims of religion. You can keep grasping like a desperate teenage boy after a pantie girdle but in the grand scheme its just pathetic and hopeless.
"Now we have science"


Someone should have told Sir Isaac Newton, Galileo and Aristotle that they were ham-n-egg'rs


Closed Account
Upon further investigation, it seems that the exact quote could have been paraphrased from James Kirke Paulding's account which was:

And it still hasn't been proven that he didn't offer it as I initially quoted.

So to call the quote fake was a bit of over eagerness on your part, don't you think? George believed in the invisible man, bless your little atheist heart.

From the biography "Paulding's life of Washington" (1835), page 209 (online source)

"He was not accustomed to argue points of faith, but on one occasion, in reply to a gentleman who expressed doubts on the subject, thus gave his sentiments: "It is impossible to account for the creation of the universe without the agency of a Supreme Being. It is impossible to govern the universe without the aid of a Supreme Being. "

There are no documents written by Washington making that particular quote. This quote from a biography is as good as it gets and as close to what Washington might have said. And it's clear that he's explaining that the universe could not be governed without god, which is a big difference from a country that could not be run without god or bible.

The above quote from this biography has been twisted and altered in other documents thereafter, mainly because of a religous agenda. From what I could find on the internet apparently next quote is one of the earliest:

American Tract Society's "Testimonies of American Statesmen and Jurists to the Truths of Christianity." (1867):

"It is impossible to govern the world without God. It is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the Providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits and humbly implore his protection and favor. I am sure there never was a people who had more reason to acknowledge a divine interposition in their affairs, than those of the United States; and I should be pained to believe that they have forgotten that agency which was so often manifested during the revolution; or that they failed to consider the omnipotence of Him, who is alone able to protect them. He must be worse than an infidel that lacks faith, and more than wicked, that has not gratitude enough to acknowledge his obligations."

The first sentence comes out of nowhere an is based on the quote from the biography. The rest of the paragraph is a mashup of sentences from multiple sources:

- The 1789 Thanksgiving proclamation (online source)
- A private letter to John Armstrong (March 11th 1782) (online source)
- A letter to Brigadier-General Nelson (August 20th 1778) (online source)

It can therefore be easily dismissed as a fabrication.

In another document "A Lawyer’s Examination of the Bible" from 1893 (online source) by Howard H. Russell the quote

"It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible" can be found on page 40, without source or reference.

And that's as good as it's going to get.

And it still hasn't been proven that he didn't offer it as I initially quoted.

For a laywer you don't understand the burden of proof. YOU are making the claim he DID say that, so it should be easy for you to bring up this very document written by Washington and enlighten us.
I know you're lashing out constantly because the reality of the goof your party has become is sinking in, but you're just making it look like you're in a frenzy all the time. Yes there were some scientific discoveries but I think even a backward thinking zealot like yourself would agree that scientific advancements have come a long way in the last hundred years. Religion tells us that the earth is between 6000 and 12000 years old which has been proven beyond dispute. Well, your fucking morons like Palin and Falwell and Pat Robertson and most of your candidates for president don't believe it.

So you can keep being a dick and being the laughing stock of this forum or you can.... oh hell never mind. You aren't capable of anything else.
When I get a retainer from you maybe I will dig a little deeper. For now, you are just some bloke on a message board with an atheist agenda trying to prove that some of the the most brilliant men on this planet didn't believe in God.

That was but one president that you chose to try and discredit. Care to give a crack at the others? You used the word"fake" so the burden of proof lies squarely at your feet. Which your lame attempts at citing sources friendly to your view just didn't produce.
I know you're lashing out constantly because the reality of the goof your party has become is sinking in, but you're just making it look like you're in a frenzy all the time. Yes there were some scientific discoveries but I think even a backward thinking zealot like yourself would agree that scientific advancements have come a long way in the last hundred years. Religion tells us that the earth is between 6000 and 12000 years old which has been proven beyond dispute. Well, your fucking morons like Palin and Falwell and Pat Robertson and most of your candidates for president don't believe it.

So you can keep being a dick and being the laughing stock of this forum or you can.... oh hell never mind. You aren't capable of anything else.

I clearly do not care what opinion liberals have of me. And especially radicals such as yourself. You keep bringing up science as if you have a grasp of scientific study and hands on at that. The only science you can understand and accept is what is spoon fed to you and fits your agenda.

You wouldn't pass a quiz at your local 4-H club much less a college entrance exam.

As for laughing stock of the forum, I am sure there are plenty that think so and will probably be coming from a particular liberal odor. You on the other hand, seem to have earned that honor from just about every wing of the spectrum. Your latest masterpiece about Jeb Bush which is nothing but a childish rant and bait and exactly what I was demonstrating yesterday will secure your place in the pantheon of message board trolls for years to come.


Closed Account
When I get a retainer from you maybe I will dig a little deeper. For now, you are just some bloke on a message board with an atheist agenda trying to prove that some of the the most brilliant men on this planet didn't believe in God.

That was but one president that you chose to try and discredit. Care to give a crack at the others? You used the word"fake" so the burden of proof lies squarely at your feet. Which your lame attempts at citing sources friendly to your view just didn't produce.

:rofl2: Funny shit! So now all of sudden I'm trying to prove they didn't believe in god ?!?!

Don't try to get out of it bro, we're all patiently awaiting the proof of your claim
Oh, and while you're at it, please quote the post where I said they didn't believe in god. Thank you


You haven't been paying attention. The discussion on this board the past couple of days has been about me starting Mariah-esque threads to prove a point. So any quotes that I posted whether accurate or not are not the issue here.

But true to form, you failed to see that and immediately started trying to discredit the quote attributed to Washington. I am actually disappointed that someone with your intelligence didn't notice it right away.

It is no secret that you come from the mindset of an atheist and I accept that. The quote itself was only a small part of what I was doing whether it a actual quote of his or not


Closed Account
You haven't been paying attention. The discussion on this board the past couple of days has been about me starting Mariah-esque threads to prove a point. So any quotes that I posted whether accurate or not are not the issue here.

But true to form, you failed to see that and immediately started trying to discredit the quote attributed to Washington. I am actually disappointed that someone with your intelligence didn't notice it right away.

It is no secret that you come from the mindset of an atheist and I accept that. The quote itself was only a small part of what I was doing whether it a actual quote of his or not

That may very well be BC, and fair enough if it was your intention to create Mariah-esque threads - for whatever reason - I missed the point. However, threads like these are not meant for discussion but to bait others and certainly not to have a descent discussion or even a laugh. This is not only meant for Mariah and because of another thread where I said that "Obama can believe whatever he wants, as long as he doesn't stuff his religion down my throat" (a thread created by you aimed at atheists) I do feel baited by this thread and therefore I will be an ass in my responses because I feel attacked.

I suggest we just let it go. I'm here to have some fun and I have to much respect for you to make a big deal out of it.
That may very well be BC, and fair enough if it was your intention to create Mariah-esque threads - for whatever reason - I missed the point. However, threads like these are not meant for discussion but to bait others and certainly not to have a descent discussion or even a laugh. This is not only meant for Mariah and because of another thread where I said that "Obama can believe whatever he wants, as long as he doesn't stuff his religion down my throat" (a thread created by you aimed at atheists) I do feel baited by this thread and therefore I will be an ass in my responses because I feel attacked.

I suggest we just let it go. I'm here to have some fun and I have to much respect for you to make a big deal out of it.

Likewise. Consider my experiment complete.