
Staff member
i know this is not a porn star but since Faith Hill has been the woman in my dreams for years.....i was shocked
I would say a pornstar ( or woman for that matter ) looking better without make up then with.. is truelly beautiful !!
Well, I'll try not to be a "white knight", but a lot of these women look just fine without makeup. Whitney Westate looks pretty damned awesome in the tub with no makeup on! Mind you, it's not like I don't like them with makeup as well. I mean, porn is kind of an image-driven business, so the women looking all done up can only make things more lovely.


Well, I'll try not to be a "white knight", but a lot of these women look just fine without makeup. Whitney Westate looks pretty damned awesome in the tub with no makeup on! Mind you, it's not like I don't like them with makeup as well. I mean, porn is kind of an image-driven business, so the women looking all done up can only make things more lovely.

Absolutely. I'm so happy we're spared all the idiotic comments that I feared would be all over this thread. The common F.O's Board-user proves to be a decent and smart person though, not only here in this thread, but pretty much all over, which I'm also very happy for!
Porn is what it is, like you said - an image-driven buisness - by real women and men, not plastic figures. I love and appreciate natural beauty the same way I love and appreciate various forms of "porn-beauty" and make-up etc.
The last 2 updates all of these women look great w/o makeup on - they look so fresh faced beautiful. Holly looks so GND cute/pretty and myself being 6'1" I ADORE tall women and her being 5'11" really makes her higher on my list.


The last 2 updates all of these women look great w/o makeup on - they look so fresh faced beautiful. Holly looks so GND cute/pretty and myself being 6'1" I ADORE tall women and her being 5'11" really makes her higher on my list.

They always look beautiful without makeup, as well as with.