Pornstars with laughable stagenames

Some of the weirdest phrases will sometimes come up as babe links here. Green Eyed, the back, Dirty Pancake, those and a few others I can't remember have come up as auto links at one point or another.
Linet Slag was the first one that came to mind for me.

You may not know this where you are, but in Britain "slag" is a synonym for slut, ho, skank, tart, slapper etc.

Also I read that [nobabe]Florancia[/nobabe] (a former alias of Aletta Ocean) roughly translates to Rancid Flower. Doesn't sound too pleasant.


Closed Account
What the hell is wrong with her name :mad:
Sorry i had problems with the Internet the last two days....

Stokahontas: laughable mixing of native american name and an english verb
Larkin and Tosh: strange first names
Taggart: a bit artificial...
....I just read another laughable name : VROEDE.KEREL . Sounds to me like an ol italian dishwasher :):cool::angels: