Pornstarlet Importance


Closed Account
... I was wondering, how important is the rating system to you? Sometimes when I drop links, it has no effect... but usually it is because her importance in the industry is established. But there have been the occasions with lesser-knowns with dramatical increases (for the most part) or exceptional cases where they decrease in popularity.

I dunno. I kinda like seeing my favourites doing well but in the end, it's not really that important.


Closed Account
Well yeah.. sometimes we vote on them, (it has an effect)... but then there is the #2057 - # 1... I liked it when Crystal Ray was in the top 200 awhile back. Maybe I didn't say enough in my initial statement or even now. :dunno:

Actually I didn't make myself clear in my question so... if you feel you know somewhat I mean than post your opinion ... or don't....

I dunno. I kinda like seeing my favourites doing well but in the end, it's not really that important.

Actually, yes it is... other-wise we might not, here at FO's, (and
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There's a rating system? :dunno:

Top right corner of each girl's page has a number and an arrow, number is her ranking in what I assume is the search listings, and the arrow's either up or down based on whether it's higher or lower than last time.


Closed Account
Okay... but what is the importance behind our selections is the question I meant to ask... my regards for questioning wrong... I still ain't asking what I mean...

you see sometimes we click on a link with a hot girl and it ups her importance within the industry... whatever... that's what I meant... close thread please.
I don't care about a rating system. A hot chick is a hot chick. Rating porn chicks are more in tune to popularity.
Top right corner of each girl's page has a number and an arrow, number is her ranking in what I assume is the search listings, and the arrow's either up or down based on whether it's higher or lower than last time.

It was just me being sarky ;). It was just my way of saying I don't really care for or notice the ranking system.
The rating system usually shows you what other people think of a certain pornstar. To me it's not important what other people think, I have my own opinion & I certainly don't need the advice of others when it comes to girls, food & other things that are a matter of personal taste.


persona non grata
It has no importance whatsoever. I´m not some sheep who base my opinion about something on how poplular it is among others.
I can not overstate the importance. When Nikki Benz dropped out of the top ten, I just couldn’t handle it. I stopped going to work, my relationship with my girlfriend suffered, I started drinking hard. Now that Nikki is back in the top 10, my life is better.