You know some trolls actually are entertaining. Is that lame 80 year old joke your trolling gig? You didn't really take the time to post just to spell out that huge three letter word. We are not in court, nay ,The House of Commons. If I thought it mattered I simply would have said yes or no? It's a fucking porn forums who cares lol. Really, how slow does your day have to be that correcting three letter words in a porn post is worth your time.
If you assumed you were educating me well i'll do the same. You wanted attention my you now have it. By bringing such a petty thing out into the open you put yourself out in the open as well . If you are as half as smart as you think you are why correct just half my stupidity. You corrected my spelling of neigh, why not correct my spelling of yeah as well? Do you not know it was spelled wrong? TBH who gives a flying fuck. It's petty trolling bullshit. It belongs in playgrounds not an adult forum. I go about my biz in here and don't beef without reason. This is how shit gets started in these forums. A poke here and a jab here little kid games. Some might say i'm overreacting. I say i'm ending it. Some Trolls boost post to gain rep points . Some are just attention whores. He got a reply in for rep and his 80 year old joke in for attention. I rebooted the thread i got a pm from thread starter and I've got months worth of mug shots. I'm saying my peace and if ends with that cool. I'll keep this thread LIT for months. If mods think I'm out of line then just toss me now.
Lastly troll since you brought it to my attention I'll fill you in. If you had left it alone then you have eventually see it was an inside joke. When I ask to take over/reboot a thread and the thread starter say cool. I'm don't hijacking threads and he still has control. We joke it's just moving in ... like a neighbor .....get it? ...neigh is like neighbors. See what I did there? Not funny to you ? That's why it's inside joke. And finally the spelling of yeah is the other half of the joke . It's in homage to my friend Dave Chappelle and his Little Jon skits. Now you know. You wanted my attention well this is me being attentive. If you are seriously just out trolling then just fuck off If not and you're just an asshole same deal just fuck off. Either way, stay the fuck away from me and go lay by your dish.