Porn Star On Drugs?

Some probably are on drugs, while others maybe just zoning out while being fucked on camera. For some or a lot of these performers it's just a job/business for them.

I read about some performers talk about letting their minds wander to a different place when they are doing things they don't like.


i think most of them uses

my motto: if you are confused and dont't know what to do just fuck

by the way this motto from Scent of a Woman al pacino said to his cat

i will pay for your site i liked

are you sure you're not on drugs?


Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
No way to really tell unless they let people know they are on something..

I do know Penny Flame is very into pot and so is Brooke Banner

if pot if on drugs then im HEAVY into pot myself!! i got a pot leaf tattood on my inner left ankle! so i guess im a pornstar on drugs lol.. but i dont smoke before a scene cuz it makes my eyes crazy red and it makes me lazy lol and lazy fuck is a bad Fuck!! lol
Why hasn't this thread been closed yet? :dunno:
I will say this only because I believe it needs to be said. And thank god it has nothing to do with weed, drugs or anything like that directly...

You would be suprised were drugs turn up anywhere in life. The link between pornstars and drugs is no different between the link of anyone and drugs. In otherwords, you dont have to be a pornstar to do drugs, and you dont need drugs to be a pornstar. Pornstars are no different between me and you. They go to work, they come home, and do all the same things we do. They have girlfriends, and boyfriends, wives, and husbands just liek us. Pornstars are not some special breed of people with totally different attributes. They live, and breathe the same way we do. I personally don't do drugs, but I know alot of folks that do, and Im sure its the same in the pornworld. My bigger point is, how would you like it if you went to work, and there was an email saying someone else heard you get high before you got to work as a Dr., or police man/woman? Its a free country (US) but not cool at all. Even if you know for a fact, dont aire out peoples dirty lanudry.

Everyone, and I mean everyone has "personal" things about them they dont want known to the public and I think (my opinion only) this topic for some stars quite possibly could be one of those things. If a pornstar wanted "joe public" to know they did drugs, whenever, and however it would have been already posted, sold and made known.

I ask, please be a little more careful when posting things that could be deemed personal about anyone, even pornstars. Pornstars are people too, and deserves there rights as such. Its just common respect in my opinion. If you are into high pornstars and there is nothing wrong with that, there are websites dedicated to the topic.
I will say this only because I believe it needs to be said. And thank god it has nothing to do with weed, drugs or anything like that directly...

You would be suprised were drugs turn up anywhere in life. The link between pornstars and drugs is no different between the link of anyone and drugs. In otherwords, you dont have to be a pornstar to do drugs, and you dont need drugs to be a pornstar. Pornstars are no different between me and you. They go to work, they come home, and do all the same things we do. They have girlfriends, and boyfriends, wives, and husbands just liek us. Pornstars are not some special breed of people with totally different attributes. They live, and breathe the same way we do. I personally don't do drugs, but I know alot of folks that do, and Im sure its the same in the pornworld. My bigger point is, how would you like it if you went to work, and there was an email saying someone else heard you get high before you got to work as a Dr., or police man/woman? Its a free country (US) but not cool at all. Even if you know for a fact, dont aire out peoples dirty lanudry.

Everyone, and I mean everyone has "personal" things about them they dont want known to the public and I think (my opinion only) this topic for some stars quite possibly could be one of those things. If a pornstar wanted "joe public" to know they did drugs, whenever, and however it would have been already posted, sold and made known.

I ask, please be a little more careful when posting things that could be deemed personal about anyone, even pornstars. Pornstars are people too, and deserves there rights as such. Its just common respect in my opinion. If you are into high pornstars and there is nothing wrong with that, there are websites dedicated to the topic.

True, if only pornstars did drugs then Holland would be the Walhalla for pornstars... To my knowledge (& I live in Holland) it isn't.

But who really cares... [sarcasm]The OP is probably making these posts with his laptop while sitting in a coffeeshop, cause the lack of punctuation, proper grammar and the spelling mistakes clearly prove he's on drugs, just like the glassy eyes some pornstars have.[/sarcasm]

To Ozmanks.

You're right, just like in any other business, people die prematurely or thanks to unnatural causes in the adult industry. If you look at the music industry, you'll see a lot of unnatural death. You'll also see a lot of unnatural death in any other profession.

I do have to say that the amount of unnatural deaths in the US is significantly higher than in Europe (I've seen a much larger list, which included suicides, murders, death by overdoses, etc.) & if you think of girls like Silvia Saint, who moved back to Europe because of problems in the US, the conclusion I come to is that if there's something wrong in the adult industry, it's mainly an American problem and not necessarily a problem of the adult industry in general.
True, if only pornstars did drugs then Holland would be the Walhalla for pornstars... To my knowledge (& I live in Holland) it isn't.

But who really cares... [sarcasm]The OP is probably making these posts with his laptop while sitting in a coffeeshop, cause the lack of punctuation, proper grammar and the spelling mistakes clearly prove he's on drugs, just like the glassy eyes some pornstars have.[/sarcasm]

To Ozmanks.

You're right, just like in any other business, people die prematurely or thanks to unnatural causes in the adult industry. If you look at the music industry, you'll see a lot of unnatural death. You'll also see a lot of unnatural death in any other profession.

I do have to say that the amount of unnatural deaths in the US is significantly higher than in Europe (I've seen a much larger list, which included suicides, murders, death by overdoses, etc.) & if you think of girls like Silvia Saint, who moved back to Europe because of problems in the US, the conclusion I come to is that if there's something wrong in the adult industry, it's mainly an American problem and not necessarily a problem of the adult industry in general.

Well, maybe you're right, but I think that there is also a spotlight effect that is more important in the USA than in europe around the porn industry

@Ramart : I don't like the almost accusing tone in you're posts ; true there are pornstars that take drugs (some of them even died because of it), but most of the time they are victims, and they don't deserve to be pointed out so disdainfully.

If you've nothing nothing more constructive or interesting to say than "this one is on drugs too, booo", please, just shut up

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Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
A lot of the girls in porn out here in Los Angeles have medical marijuana cards, so they can smoke weed legally.

All of us producers talk and it seems the hard drug use i.e. Meth, Oxy, is way down, which is a very good thing.