Porn / Media Organization

Most of my movies, porn clips, in general is loosely organized in various sets of ever-evolving folders scattered amongst several different hard drives all over my home network.

Most of the organization I attempt is folder/directory based which becomes more and more chaotic over time. Backing up said media becomes a pain when various operating systems think that a video is different simply because the directory path to it is different from one machine (or external drive) to the next.

SOLUTION: I am seeking a software package that would allow me to throw ALL of my videos (or other media) into a single directory (or maybe a Pictures, Music, Videos set of directories) and over time, add tags to the media so I could search on specific tags. Basically a database oriented approach to retrieving specific locally stored media.

For example: Let's say you want to watch Jayden Jaymes get titty-fucked, receive anal, and have those big beautiful titties get frosted like a wedding cake. You would tag all media with your own, customizable tags, and search for "Jayden Jaymes" "titfuck" "anal" "cum on tits", just like you might search tags on brazzers. The difference here is the media tags are customizable by YOU and you can run a simple "diff" search with the proper pipes to backup any missing media to your backup drive.

Does anyone implement or know of any software that allows this approach to organizing media?
Perhaps up and coming in the next implementation of Windows (8) :yahoo:



I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
*holds diagram of this upsidedown* I see your meaning in regards to this, but does it kill for you on command?