Porn for women


I'm watching some specialist videos
Personally, for would be better without the degradation. Gagging, slapping, name calling, forcible entry, rape etc. It'd also be cool to see the female being the one who's getting pleasured (and it actually being portrayed as pleasurable, not just what men would want to see) , rather than the other way around. I don't need dialogue, but I want to see what I'd like to DO.

Couldn't agree more. Half the pleasure I get is from seeing that my partner is pleasured, so why shouldn't porn be the same.
Personally, for would be better without the degradation. Gagging, slapping, name calling, forcible entry, rape etc. It'd also be cool to see the female being the one who's getting pleasured (and it actually being portrayed as pleasurable, not just what men would want to see) , rather than the other way around. I don't need dialogue, but I want to see what I'd like to DO.

I agree with this completely. It's difficult to find hardcore porn where the people participating are really enjoying themselves, not just performing or getting into a contest of varying degrees of degradation. As a result, I find myself looking at solo posing or masturbation scenes more than other types of porn.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Aren't most Vivid porn movies geared towards women and or couples? Those are usually story based


Postal Paranoiac
Female Fantasturbation--The movie opens with five attractive females making a birthday cake for a friend in the kitchen. The cooking turns into some kinky hijinks, leading to a lesbian orgy featuring icing and whipped cream. Later at the party, a few of the girls wheel a gigantic cake into the room. To the birthday girl's "surprise", a naked male dancer pops out and starts shaking his poindexter at the gaggle of horny females--which leads to a huge multi-girl lesfest after the guy is paid and leaves. The scene is followed by the girl of honor opening her presents...consisting of a dildo, a vibrator, another vibrator, and a dildo. Of course, the party gal is encouraged to use these new "presents" immediately. The film wraps up with a surprise birthday visit from the girl's boyfriend, who it turns out is actually gay, and the couple spend the evening sipping wine and reminiscing about the past--while the gal secretly fantasizes about lesbian sex.
Even the best porn movie geared to women will never reach the worldwide ~climax~ potential that the annual Fall Vogue issue elicits or whenever Chanel launches a new bag..
Director/Producer Anna Span (aka Anna Arrowsmith - Lib Dem candidate for Gravesham in Kent), aimed her porn at women.

I think that the idea is that the films are more erotic, focusing on the pleasure of the female rather than the male. See her Wiki entry here

why on earth would I be interested in the pleasures of the man??? he ought to stay as far out of the picture as possible.