looks like porn is not going to die... it is only getting bigger and bigger over the years. I am sure peopple would find out other was to pay other than paypal
WTF are you talking about? The DOJ isn't in republican hands. The republicans can't launch Operation Jack Shit.
Porn will never die. For every company that refuses to work with adult workers/sites another company will take its place.
On another note.. Paypal is one of the most hypocritical self righteous sites on the internet. They claim you are not allowed to accept payments for "sexually oriented materials or services" yet go into the adult only section of ebay and its perfectly fine to purchase adult DVDs and sex toys.
This is one of the very few areas where radical right wingers and radical left wingers (primarily feminists)...
Should probably clarify "anti-pornography feminists" since it almost seems like you're painting with a broad brush there. It's best to be clear since sex-positive feminists aren't anti-porn at all. Hell, thanks to them there's such a thing as feminist pornography and there are several people in the adult industry who apparently readily identify as sex-positive feminists.
Tell me more about this Camilla and the others you spoke of. Please.Since I was specific in how I called them out, would you consider these "sex positive feminists" to be radical left wingers?
I did name the FemiNazi types I was referring to: Steinem, Ireland and those of that ilk. And NOW most definitely supported Meese's anti-porn crusade. But if I were to provide clarity for those on the left (even the radical left) who are "sex positive" (and not just supporters of reverse sexist or female dominant porn), then I would really have to do the same thing for those on the right who are also sex positive or libertarian in their social views. Basically, if someone considers themselves to be a feminist, but if they got up at a NOW convention to speak and they cut their mic off in mid word, I'm not talking about that person or that type (Camille Paglia, for example).
Actually, porn sites can use paypal these days but unfortunately at the moment it's only for Euro companies and Euro customers. I'm actually working on trying to get this set up for people to buy FreeOnes credits with.
Rumor has it that they may be able to offer Paypal as a payment option for US companies/customers in the not so far future.
We'll see how that goes. ;-)
If that happens they'll just be a LOT more prostitution going around.I suppose another reason why payment options are been restricted and why certain payment operators have stopped transacting is perhaps because they are been pressured to do so. (The Conservative element at it again lads -hhhhhaaaa)
Although governments would never admit it, they are hoping that by cutting off the cash going to enterprising website owners and models , that there would be this overall sense of hoplessness that would go countrywide even worldwide which would mean porn would no longer be produced.
A product costs money to produce and with no income coming in, the operation shuts down.
But there will always be individuals who will stand up and challenge that status quo.
I sincerely hope that the World never becomes so screwed up that pornstars and erotic babes can not operate . That would just be unfair
Tell me more about this Camilla and the others you spoke of. Please.
Thank you for the information. She sounds great, wish she got more airtime instead of the idiots out there. Could you tell me about the bad ones you mentioned please?She's a (completely) independent thinker who I've known about for 20 years or so. When I was living in another area, I went to hear her speak... and I was completely blown away by her extreme intelligence and her machine-gun like speech patterns. Unlike many of the whiny, complaining, man-hating feminist types (Steinem, Ireland, Catharine MacKinnon, Naomi Wolf, et al) Camille doesn't promote gender equality by wanting special treatment for women, sexism against men or encouraging women to be whiny victims of circumstance. She tells it like it is and suggests that open expressions of sexuality are good for both sexes - but you have to put on your big boy/big girl pants and be prepared to accept the social consequences if you're brave enough to be different. She describes herself as a "dissident feminist" and a "lesbian pagan". On a 60 Minutes feature about her (probably 15 years ago) they showed her at a N.O.W. gathering and when she got up to pose some questions to the Sandalista elites on stage, the rad FemiNazis shut her mic off and made rude sounds toward her. Having flaky, sexist (misandrist) gender theories and being insecure, they don't like and can't take hard questions. Those are the only types of questions that Camille knows how to ask - so the cowards couldn't stand to hear her. She's brilliant! If she ever does a book signing, I'd drive two hours just to get her to sign a book for me and be able to tell her how much her type of independent thinking has influenced me over the years.
I'm down with Camille Paglia (can you tell how much of a fanboi I am?). And I'm down on these other whiny FemiNazis and the right wing bible thumpers that will use the legal system to censor ANYTHING that they don't agree with. On this issue at least, Obama/Holder are no different than Reagan/Meese. They both bow down to the same brand of censorship and socially acceptable/politically correct persecution (pushing private businesses to deny banking services to people they don't like or agree with). Why does Holder have time to hassle porn stars but he has barely stuck his toe into the water when it comes to prosecuting mega-banks and their CEOs, that have admitted to helping criminal drug cartels (that murder people) launder their illicit gains???? Why is that? :dunno:
Opinion Porn stars vs. PayPal by Tasha Reign
Rejecting banking fees, interest rates and payment-processing fees from an industry that makes more than $3,000 a second does not make any financial sense.