Political Satire




Back when I was young one of the best things an author could hear about his book was that it was "Banned in Boston". Best thing to ever happen. Guaranteed sale increase. Books(and movies) would advertise they were, even if they weren't.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Hell. I remember checking a book out of my school library, called "The Electric Koolaid Acid Test"....and it was about LSD


Neo-Confederate Meeting - SNL


Eminem Responds To Rudy Giuliani


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I hate to detail the threat topic, but it really does deserve attention.

Here's one that I've been hearing about at work. It's an Afghan refugee family who recently arrived in Ukraine (Talk about bad timing!). But what they went through reflects what was said in the video:

“It’s very frustrating to see that Ukrainians, girls, women and boys, they cross the border. Thousands of them cross the border without being asked to stop,” said Safi.
“But me as an Afghan, they (Ukrainian border guards) stopped me and they say my daughter does not have papers. I should leave her behind. So basically, they stopped the whole family because of that, because of my daughter. And this is truly frustrating.”

I have to say that it's not a 1:1 comparison in terms of the response, and to blame it entirely on race is wrong. The fact that it's putin, the proximity to the EU, impact on NATO, etc all can justify, to an extent, the more extreme response this war is getting. But it is important that the issue is at least raised and not hidden.


Looking Back At The Most Viral Videos Of The Year | Compilation | The Russell Howard Hour


Weirdest Adverts | The Russell Howard Channel (Aug 14, 2021)

I know this is pretty uncool but I wanted to talk about how amazing the British police are (Sep 29, 2017)


New Rule: With Malice Toward None | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)
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New Rule: Stand By Your Brand | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO) - Mar 18, 2022

New Rule: Don't Segregate the Anthem | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO) - Sep 24, 2021
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