Police State... your thoughts

mcrocket said:
Holy Shit D-rock. And I thought I type long posts. This subject must REALLY mean alot to you. Fair enough.
But I already stated what I wanted to state. And nothing that I glanced at that you typed changes my mind.
The second amendment was written to allow the United States to form a Militia whenever it so chooses AND that there was no real full time military in those days.
Unless you have proof that the second amendment was written for other reasons - you ain't convincing me. And from what I saw; you have not so far.

A for effort though.

Americans love their guns for two reasons above all else - imo. They are FUN (I know - my brother had a Baretta 92F and a Chinese Ak-47 - alot of fun).
And two, Americans think they are allowed to do almost anything they want because they are Americans. A VERY arrogant nation. Nice people, but arrogant for the most part. ESPECIALLY the NRA bunch.

wait a second here, im a NRA member, and so are my father and brother. WHat are we nutjobs or sumthin just because we take great pride in our firearms, and that no one should have the right to take them from us, as it is stated in the 2nd, "...and shall not be infringed". True, there are some total wackos in the NRA, but most of us just dont want to see our people lose our freedom to bear arms. As the late Charlton Heston said "You can have my gun, when you pry it form my COLD, DEAD, HANDS"
I'm happy to say domshooter, that Chuck Heston is still alive.
Don't be quick to put a true patriot to rest just yet.
Sweet shot colonel :thumbsup:
No need imo to lighten things up, we're the ones that are armed :D
Funny how successful countries are arrogant. I hear all the time about certain European countries who act very arrogant, and we all know who they are, but you're either arrogant or defeated. If having a good standard of living means arrogance, then I'll take it. I've been to Canada many times and believe me, they're no different, just more sheeple.

Personally, arguing about political issues with someone from another country is a waste of time, IMO. Why bother? :dunno:


CanyonsCans said:
I'm happy to say domshooter, that Chuck Heston is still alive.
Don't be quick to put a true patriot to rest just yet.

'a true patriot.' I am not sure why; but that kind of phrase gives me a bit of the creeps.
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domshooter said:
wait a second here, im a NRA member, and so are my father and brother. WHat are we nutjobs or sumthin just because we take great pride in our firearms, and that no one should have the right to take them from us, as it is stated in the 2nd, "...and shall not be infringed". True, there are some total wackos in the NRA, but most of us just dont want to see our people lose our freedom to bear arms. As the late Charlton Heston said "You can have my gun, when you pry it form my COLD, DEAD, HANDS"

I beieve the average NRA member has less understanding about life and the world in general then he/she thinks they do. Not bad people or anything. Just not as well informed as they believe they are.
mcrocket said:
I've lived in both countries. And you are definitely mistaken - no offense.

Bullshit! There are waaaay more sheeple in Canada than the US.

But for chrissakes Crocket, will you quit with over-generalized steroetyping of people you've never met? There is no way affiliation with the NRA can have any direct correllation with one's understanding about life and the world in general any more than past crack addiction could.

BTW, what the hell's a sheeple?


Peter Gazinya said:
Bullshit! There are waaaay more sheeple in Canada than the US.

But for chrissakes Crocket, will you quit with over-generalized steroetyping of people you've never met? There is no way affiliation with the NRA can have any direct correllation with one's understanding about life and the world in general any more than past crack addiction could.

BTW, what the hell's a sheeple?

I do not know what a sheeple is. I assume he/she meant sheepish.

And what I meant about the NRA persons having less understanding about life is:
I find that the rhetoric that comes out of the NRA tends to lean towards firearms at all costs. They spend tens of millions to lobby Congress and the Senate and - to me at least - as an organization they seem to be on the outside edge of paranoia.
I think those millions of dollars could be better spent helping people that need it instead of obsessing about the right to carry enough firepower to wipeout small towns.
And I found the Charlton Heston line quoted above that SO many NRA types just adore seems to me to be absolutely ridiculous. He sounds like a semi-lunatic to me (and I have seen the recording of that statement of his). Citizens of by far the most powerful country in the world yelling about wanting to keep their guns when 99% of them will never need them for anything more then killing animals and shooting at the gun club.
I truly believe that many of them are out of touch with what the World is all about.
I do not know this obviously. But it is my opinion.