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Police shoot and kill kid for carrying a replica gun

There are more of us in the USA. The uninformed low information crowd buy into the numbers skew and the libs with an agenda know it is BS but it helps their cause.

Much like the " more whites are on food stamps" crap. Percentages when the data favors them, raw numbers when it does not.

Libs: Selling lies to those that haven't been paying attention since 1929.

no son, you're in the dumb ass crowd who hasn't been paying attention

i said more are killed by cops in us than in "every other developed country in the world combined", i.e. add all the other counties together and its less than in america

don't believe me, then look it up .....
That's the price we pay for living in a society where gun ownership is a fundamental right and those that wish to abuse that right use their weapons in the commission of crimes. The main problem is and always has been those that want to commit crimes with illegally obtained weapons. I am all for taking illegal weapons off of the streets but not at the expense of law abiding gun owners. It seems that the left's solution would be to restrict all gun ownership for whatever reasons or to implement laws that fly in the face of the 2nd amendment. Frankly, 12 and 13 year olds are getting their hands on guns and at that age they can't legally own a firearm anyway. They are joining gangs and committing violent crime. In light of this, cops are going to use deadly force at higher rates. If gun control proponents can come up with legislation that can curtail obtaining weapons illegally and keep them out of the hands of criminals without imposing on 2A rights I'd be willing to listen.
you bingo!!! the main reason things are the way they are now is because parents stopped raising their children about 90ish. when they turn ten most kick them out the door to learn on their own....or they wind up being raised by a single parent. bud i dont know how old you are but didnt your parents teach you young to do as police say?? to me this goes directly to the parents. the first thing my parents put in my hand that would fire they made me understand fully...dont point this at anyone. in fact when i was 12 i knew how to get my dads shotgun off the rack..pull the hammer back and scatter your brains all over the wall...but i also knew my dad would feed to wolves if i touched it unless someone was trying to hurt me or my mother. let me ask you a question... if you were a police and someone pointed a gun at you would you gamble your life if it was real or not?? keep in mind...someone called the cops. if your the police...that is a pretty good sign the gun is loaded. i mean dont read me wrong its sad the boy was shot. but trying to blame the police is pathetic. police getting executed every day how can you expect them to second guess a gun pointed at them.


Official Checked Star Member
I'm shocked that nobody but TheWhiteDevil and couple others raised the education and parenting issue. A 12yo kid is all alone out and around with a soft air gun without the safety tip pointing it at people in a park. But don't try to spank your kids, because that is really really bad. May the kid R.I.P, may his parents become at least infertile.
Liberals are very creative with their statistics. Example: http://www.politifact.com/punditfac...l-blog-us-cops-killed-more-people-one-month-/

Notice how he says US cops killed "more people" no shit. There are more of us in the USA. The uninformed low information crowd buy into the numbers skew and the libs with an agenda know it is BS but it helps their cause.

Much like the " more whites are on food stamps" crap. Percentages when the data favors them, raw numbers when it does not.

Libs: Selling lies to those that haven't been paying attention since 1929.

Fact: In the first 24 days of 2015, police in the US fatally shot more people than police did in England and Wales, combined, over the past 24 years.
Behind the numbers: According to The Counted, the Guardian’s special project to track every police killing this year, there were 59 fatal police shootings in the US for the days between 1 January and 24 January.
According to data collected by the UK advocacy group Inquest, there have been 55 fatal police shootings – total – in England and Wales from 1990 to 2014.


Fact: Police in the US have shot and killed more people – in every week this year – than are reportedly shot and killed by German police in an entire year.
Behind the numbers: The Counted database shows that the first week of 2015 had the fewest fatal police shootings of any this year, with 13.
The German Police University concluded in 2012 that German police had killed six people by gunshot in 2011 and seven in 2012.

According to the German data and the Guardian’s count, more unarmed black men (19) have been fatally shot by US police in 2015 than citizens of any race, armed or unarmed, fatally shot in Germany during all of 2010 and 2011 (15).
The US population is roughly four times that of Germany, and according to the World Bank, the US has a per capita intentional homicide rate five times that of Germany.


Fact: Police in Canada average 25 fatal shooting a year. In California, a state just 10% more populous than Canada, police in 2015 have fatally shot nearly three times as many people in just five months.
Behind the numbers: So far in 2015, police in California have fatally shot 72 people, according to the Guardian’s database – the most thorough accounting for officer-involved fatalities ever built in the US.
In Canada, reliable nationwide numbers on police shootings don’t yet exist.But a journalist for the Independent in Canada did combine data from the provinces that report police killings – and extrapolated that Canadian police kill an average of 25 people by gunshot every year.

The US has an intentional homicide rate two and a half times that of Canada, according to the World Bank.
Fact: American police officers are confronted with the rise in gang activity and most if not all gang bangers possess a firearm. It is also noted that a majority of suspects do not obey lawful commands.

Fact: 85 percent of suspects involved in confrontations with police officers where a firearm is involved, possess an illegally obtained weapon.

Fact: The majority of incidences of deadly force being used is the direct result of suspects brandishing a weapon and not obeying an officer's lawful command.

Fact: The rate of incidences resulting in the use of deadly force drops significantly when the suspect obtained the weapon legally.

More people were killed in Chicago this weekend with illegally obtained firearms than were killed by police officers in the UK this year.

And here are more lies by the left debunked for good measure...

If you do not agree that police use excessive forces just go to Google, type "police shoot unarmed" and start reading about so many cases in so little time...

in 99% of them cases idiots get shot because resisting gets it twisted. you dont resist police you comply...it doent matter why or what you think you do as police say...or you may have a bad ending.excessive force is needed when idiots try to fight police..or they have to carry them to the van to arrest them. you have a one sided warp way of looking at things just saying. that word unarmed kid is so old it has a gray beard itself
in 99% of them cases idiots get shot because resisting gets it twisted. you dont resist police you comply...it doent matter why or what you think you do as police say...or you may have a bad ending.excessive force is needed when idiots try to fight police..or they have to carry them to the van to arrest them. you have a one sided warp way of looking at things just saying. that word unarmed kid is so old it has a gray beard itself

well this 12 year old boy did not resist - he didn't get a chance to as police shot him dead within 2 SECONDS of turning up at the situation

cliven bundy and his friends were resisting police and were heavily armed - the police did fuck all, then turned around and left like pussies

but if people are from a minority, or poor people, in america and police decide you're resisting - even if you are not - then you're gonna get beaten or tasered or shot to death

(why does this shit happen once in a blue moon in every other country, but nearly every day in america ?

maybe coz cops have very itchy trigger fingers in us?)

just a few examples, some of which might add to those that everyone is aware of:


if you don't believe this is true you're either a racist, who does not want to see the truth, or an idiot, who can't see see the truth
One of the most beautiful things about libs throwing around labels like "racist" is that they are used so much that they don't even have a sting to them anymore.
Of course it does. But it is not only white people that practice it.

well i agree people from any race or background can be racist

the problem is that in the us, uk, western europe etc the political elites, police, those in power in business and pretty much every field are overwhelmingly white

so the impact of their racism as a corrosive force in society is much greater, in these countries, than that of people from other races

:2 cents:

(and they also benefit from white privilege - but i'll leave that as don't want to go even further off topic :D )
This is what happens when cops are trained not to take any chance but shoot as soon as they think they could be some threat to them :

‘Mommy, am I going to die?': Ohio 4-year-old pleads after cop shoots her and walks away

Newly-released audio illustrates a Columbus, Ohio family’s confusion and terror after a local police officer accidentally shot a then-4-year-old girl while being asked to help the girl’s mother.

The audio, aired on Inside Edition, depicts the June 19 incident involving the officer to a plea for help from Brandie Kelly.

Kelly had flagged the officer down after her sister, Andrea Ellis, cut herself badly on a piece of glass. Kelly can be heard telling the officer, “Sir, can you get me a paramedic? I need a paramedic here” while on the phone with emergency dispatchers.

Police said at the time of the incident that Ellis’ dog charged at the officer, forcing him to fire at it. But instead of hitting the dog, the officer hit the girl, Ava Ellis, in the leg, causing a bone to shatter.

“She asked me several times, ‘Mommy, am I gonna die?'” Andrea Ellis said.

The Inquisitr reported that Ellis later identified the officer in a Facebook post as Jonathan Thomas, saying that when Kelly rejected his argument that the dog charged at him, Thomas “told [Kelly] to stop yelling at him and walked back to his vehicle.”

“Officer Thomas never said sorry,” Ellis wrote. “Never said it was an accident, never said that he called for help or was going to call for help, never asked if Ava was ok, and never asked if he could check on Ava.”

The girl would subsequently need surgery, and Ellis said doctors have told her she could walk with a limp for the rest of her life. Authorities are reportedly investigating the incident, while also expressing gratefulness that the child is recovering from her injuries.

Because the cop felt threatened by the family's dog, a little girl will need a limb for the rest of her life. At least he did not killed her...
Johan got anymore interesting stories? here is one....that has NOTHING to do with this case but may help you to understand why police dont ask questions if you are ignorant enough to pull a gun >>>>>A teenager convicted of fatally shooting a baby in a stroller was sentenced on Thursday to spend the rest of his life in prison with no chance of parole after the grieving mother asked a judge to punish the gunman for taking "the love of my life"

De'Marquise Elkins, 18, stood silent and showed no emotion as he was sentenced in a courtroom less than two weeks after a jury found him guilty of murdering 13-month-old Antonio Santiago during a robbery attempt.

"His first word was never heard. His first sentence was never said," Sherry West, the baby's mother, said through tears on the witness stand as she read a statement made to rhyme like a poem or a nursery rhyme. "He never got to sleep in a toddler bed."

The baby was in his stroller and out for a walk with his mother when he was shot between the eyes on March 21 in the Georgia coastal city of Brunswick. West and a younger teenager charged as an accomplice testified at trial that Elkins killed the baby after his mother refused to give up her purse......they should have fed this some beach to shark. instead tax payers has to feed him the rest of his life. THIS IS WHAT YOU CALL SHOOTING A INNOCENT CHILD. not a person swinging a gun around that police had been called to. you people just warp my head thinking police should walk into open fire? this day and time they running around with stolen smoke wagons in their belt 10 years old.
THIS IS WHAT YOU CALL SHOOTING A INNOCENT CHILD. not a person swinging a gun around that police had been called to. you people just warp my head thinking police should walk into open fire?

so you want to judge the actions of police, who are meant to protect and serve, in comparison to those of a deranged criminal?

maybe in both cases the shooters/killers acted incorrectly,

and both deaths are tragic,

and neither might not have happened if it were not for the GUNS (which made death so easy) having being involved ?