Pokemon Go or Pokemon No?

I don't want anything to do with it. I can already see this going overboard. Hopefully this dies down in a month or two and doesn't become a thing that causes people to bump into others that don't give a damn about the game because they aren't watching where they are going for years on end. I can also see cops really loving this thing as people are going to be showing up at weird places (even if legal to go to) at all times of the day for seeming no reason and they are going to have to constantly investigating what's going on...okay maybe that last point might be a little funny.

What's also sad about it is that with the amount of traveling the game requires I don't think kids are even going to be able to play it effectively, and isn't that what Pokemon is traditionally more geared for?

Something very similar has been going on for decades with GeoCaching. (Police know about it and are cool, Park Rangers are less so, that a tupperware cache would harm their boulder.) One issue that caching doesn't have, is if these Dojos will be a gathering place for predators.


Brazzers gonna release a new parody "Pornstar GO XXX Parody" on august the 8.

It doesn't look that good the chicks are hot but the costumes sucks!

Anyway gonna put one eye on Ella Hughes she looks hot in the first pic!

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
I work with a guy, I nick named pokey man slow.....

because he's so pokey...get it?

is this thing on?


FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
I will stick with my Blue and Crystal versions, but Pokemon Pinball beats all of them hands down :2 cents:

Pinball is fun but it drives me crazy when you keep catching the same Pokemon over and over! But yes, fun game!


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Yesterday, the people of a local rowing club, on which grounds there are a numbr of Pokemon Spots, were sick and tired of players blocking the entrance, parking in their lot, climbing on the roof that is not safe to be walked on, etc, gave the players ashort notice of warning, and hosed down the remaining dozen or so players who did not move.

No police involvememnt, the players got up and left, and I think this way of dealing with offending payers is a great way
They should add those Pokemon into safe place like park,courtyards,instead put it into random place like highway or high risk spot.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Just half an hour ago a facebook friend got into an argument about the story with the water hose. She said she is terrified of me and how violent I have become. Eye for an Eye etc bullshit called on me, how deep did I fall.

Bitches be crazy.

She plays Pokemon, of course.