Please Vote 4 Me Guys

Heading into the final week of the "Social Media Diva" Contest, i'm currently holding on to 1st place! I'd like to thank everyone who's taken the time to vote for me and for the final stretch, i'm holding a contest of my own. Everytime you vote for me send me an e-mail saying "Voted!" as i'll be tracking down the Top Ten Voters and e-mailing each person a link to download my Wet On Webcam Video! To vote 4 me visit Last contest I was in I lost in the final day after being up by over 320 votes. I don't want a repeat of that. So if you have what it takes to make my "Top Ten" Vote Often (every 30 mins) and e-mail me after every vote!

Here's the 1650 pic...

The link for you e-mail doesn't work, but i've voted for you everyday at least once for the last couple weeks.