Please ID

Please ID.


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OK, here's the thing: A couple of weeks ago, I was browsing around and at the last minute I came around some ad in which the girl looked a lot like a girl I know (NO, I'm not going to post my friend's picture :p), so i checked her out, found her name and a few scenes she did. This was late at night and i had to get up early, so I figured I better call it a night and resume later. Couldn't do it that day. So when I finally sat down to 'research' about her, i didn't remember anything!. Not the ad's site, not her name, not where i saw the ad, nothing... I wandered around until I found this picture, thought It was her (wasn't). So please help me find her.
Things I know: It was a scene that started with her already naked and talking to the camera man before getting to business. She kinda looked like Andrea Hercogova in the picture.
Unsure: scene was a threesome?, Scene was from RealityKings?, there was a fireplace in the scene?