Playstation store update

1/07/2010 highlights

Dark Void-demo

Matt Hazard:bloodbath and beyond-demo

Matt Hazard:bloodbath and beyond-full game


Dragon Ball:raging blast-DLC

Mx vs. ATV-DLC

PAIN:mae ryder-DLC

Rockband DLC- country music mixes this week

and alot of Army of Two 2 and Dantes Inferno-media


i STILL havent seen FF8 in the store! what is going on!

I think it's not in the European Stores yet but only in the US and the updates Lachemo is posting are for the US PSN if I'm correct.

But it is easy to make an US PSN account, just pick a random US address from or something :D
Pre-paid cards for the US store are also easy to find and once downloaded you can switch to your own UK account and still play the game normally.
Feb. 4th 2010.....sweet week for content after the last few weeks were ultra lame.

Battlefield: Bad company 2 demo

Alien vs. Predator demo

Dynasty warriors: strikeforce demo

Fret nice demo

Texder demo

Fret Nice fullgame

Rockband DLC sucks as usual. All country pack songs bullshit.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I like the sound of the Alien Vs. Predator demo. I'm on the fence about that game; a demo is just what I need to determine if it's worth a purchase.

Only problem is on my system the demos come in real slowly. They don't download while watching dvds.
I have to buy a new PS2, I am having a problem with my old one not reading Guitar Hero : Van Halen something about the laser needing to fixed..

Is this something I can fix myself?
Feb. 4th 2010.....sweet week for content after the last few weeks were ultra lame.

Battlefield: Bad company 2 demo

Alien vs. Predator demo

Dynasty warriors: strikeforce demo

Fret nice demo

Texder demo

Fret Nice fullgame

Rockband DLC sucks as usual. All country pack songs bullshit.

That's nice , I'm going to try the AVP demo for sure and Dynasty warriors strike force looks good too , they finally brought something new to that stagnant franchise. As for BFBC 2 , I tried the demo on 360 but I'm going to try the PS3 version to see if it's any different.